- Foul or dirty matter. 污物,污秽污秽或肮脏的东西
- Foul or dirty. 污浊的,肮脏的
- Full of foul or impure matter;fecal. 污秽的充满臭的或不净的东西;糟粕的
- Full of foul or impure matter; fecal. 污秽的充满臭的或不净的东西;糟粕的
- It was a matter of indifference to him whether his hand were clean or dirty. 他的手是干净的或肮脏的,对他是无足轻重的。
- However, never use improper or dirty language. 但是,记住永远也不要使用不适当的语言或是脏话。
- Foul or poisonous gas that sometimes pollutes the air in coal mines. 矿井瓦斯,有毒气体矿井中有时污染空气的恶臭气体或有毒气体
- A tetanus booster shot may be required if a wound is deep or dirty. 但如果伤口很深或很脏的话,需要接种破伤风加强剂。
- The steel tubes were clogged with dirty matters. 钢管里塞满了脏物。
- Treated surface should be free of fash, burr, welding scar or dirty. 经处理的摩擦面,不得有飞边、毛刺、焊疤或污损等。
- Make coloured or dirty marks on something The pen stained the cloth with ink. 钢笔里的墨水把衣服沾污了。
- A tetanus buster(booster) shot may be required if a wound is deep or dirty. 在伤口很深或很脏的情况下也需要打破伤风。
- Now time to drive to the rim Tmac, let them foul or you can pass out to hit the 3. Yao need to shot more. 现在到了你冲向篮筐的时间了,麦迪!让他们对你犯规或者传出投3分,姚明需要更多的出手次数。
- Dear PRC friends, nevermind about those who speak foul or hurl profanities at you. 中国大陆,台湾,香港,澳门,新加坡,以及遍布世界各地的华人都来自同一个大家庭。
- These types of walls seem to crumble at the very idea of being punctured by a screw, nail or dirty look. 一想到这种墙要被螺丝钉,钉子或是一个臭脸孔穿透,它们似乎就会崩塌。
- They also made very similar faces when they were shown some yucky photos: pictures of dog poop or dirty toilets. 当科学家们给他们看一些恶心的照片时(狗粪或者肮脏的厕所),他们也表现出非常相似的面部表情。
- Approximately one year later he was noted to undergo a profound change in personality, and to develop social inappropriateness, and uncharacteristic use of foul or crude language. 大约一年后,发现他的个性发生很大变化,发展为社会不适应症,莫名其妙地使用污秽、粗鲁的语言。
- You have an infection. You must have rubbed your eyes with a dirty towel, or dirty hands. 您的眼睛发炎了,您很可能用脏毛巾擦过眼睛,或用脏手揉过眼睛。
- In cases where the grey or dirty or used immediately available dry mops dry wet mops being polished. 如遇有灰或脏可用干拖把或用拧干的湿拖把擦拭。
- THE LESSEE shall not store in or out of the premises any inflammable or dangerous thing, nor let any corrosive or dirty thing come out of the premises. 乙方须做好安全及防火工作,不得在房屋内外存储或排放有害,腐蚀性或污臭物质,严禁存储易燃,易爆品。