- Forestry economic cooperative 林业经济合作社
- Effective system arrangement of forestry property right is the basis and core of forestry economic development. 有效的林业产权制度安排是林业经济发展的基础与核心。
- Had caught bead prevent project, to strengthening forestry zoology construction, raise forestry economic benefits and silvan travel development to have very important sense. 抓好珠防工程建设,对加强林业生态建设,提高林业经济效益和森林旅游开发都有十分重要的意义。
- Second, broaden win-win economic cooperation. 第二,拓展互利共赢的经济合作。
- China Ethnic International Economic Cooperation Co. 中民国际经济合作公司。
- China Europe Centre for Economic Cooperation B.V. 荷兰欧中经贸集团。
- The same is true of economic cooperation. 经济协作也是这个道理。
- Shanxi delegation, thanks to the extravaganza, had a bountiful harvest: 272 trade or economic cooperative deals were sealed with an estimated investment of 50 billion yuan. 山西代表团借助本次盛会,取得丰硕成果:签订贸易及各类经济合作项目272个,拟引进资金500多亿元.
- This paper describes the practice of farmers's specialized economic cooperative in Yuanmou County of Yunnan Province and sums up its enlightenment on the basis of a survey there. 文章在对云南省楚雄州元谋县农民专业合作经济组织发展的背景、历程、特点及绩效进行总结分析的基础上,提出了发展农民专业合作经济组织的经验和启示。
- Second, expanding and deepening bilateral economic cooperation. 第二,拓展和深化双边经济合作。
- To absorb foreign investment and expand economic cooperation. 吸收外国投资,扩大经济合作
- Why Should East Asian Economic Cooperation be Promoted? 为什么要推动东亚区域合作?
- JinzhouBeidou International Economic Cooperation Co., Ltd. 锦州北斗国际经济合作有限公司。
- Penglai Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Bureau? 蓬莱对外经贸合作局蓬莱商务局?
- Forestry appertains to geography. 森林学和地理学有关。
- Dandong Border Economic Cooperation Zone Colossus Group Co., Ltd. 丹东边境经济合作区克隆集团有限公司。
- China-EU trade and economic cooperation has yielded heartening fruits. 中欧经济贸易合作取得了可喜的成果。
- In the last stage of investigation, the experts held talks with local government agencies and answered their questions concerning the development of farmers economic cooperative organizations. 在调查的最后阶段,专家组一行与当地政府相关部门进行了座谈,回答了当地政府对发展农民经济合作组织所关注的问题。
- Deputy Director, Institute of Non-Timber Forestry Economic Forestry 浙江林学院经济林研究所副所长