- Luxuriant forests covered the hills. 山上长满茂密的树林。
- The total forest cover of the earth is decreasing. 地球上森林覆盖的总面积正在减少。
- Percentage of forest cover in different historic periods of China. 中国历代森林覆盖率的探讨。
- Woodland forest cover of more than 90% canopy density of 0.8. 林地森林覆盖率达90%25以上,林冠郁闭度为0.8。
- Southern mountain forest cover in the main vegetation. 南部山区植被以森林覆盖为主。
- Luxuriant forests covered the hillside. 山坡上长满茂密的树林。
- Forest covered every portion, except here and there a strip of cultived soil. 森林覆着四野,耕地零星可见。
- Forest covered every portion, except here and there a strip of cultivated soil. 森林覆着四野,耕地零星可见。
- Once forest cover does start increasing, the rate of extinction should dwindle. 一旦森林覆盖开始增加,灭绝的速度应该变小。
- These forests cover a broad span of latitudes. 这些森林绵延在多个纬度上。
- Stone forest covered an area of 350 square kilometres,which is the largest and most unabridged karst landform sight. 这里是撒尼人聚居区,传说中阿诗玛的故乡。
- Second growth forest covers a land of nearly 200 mu. 这片次生林大约有200亩。
- Remnants of the original forest cover, either scrub forest or well-developed woodlands, are still found in steep ravines. 在陡峭的深谷,仍有昔日森林的残迹,多为灌林或茂密林地。
- Forest cover in China now stands at 13 .92 percent,lagging far behind the world average level of 25 percent. 中国森林覆盖率为13.;92%25,与世界平均水平25%25的差距还很大。
- Remnants of the original forest cover,either scrub forest or well-developed woodlands,are still found in steep ravines. 在陡峭的深谷,仍有昔日森林的残迹,多为灌林或茂密林地。
- Fifty percent of the land area has a slope greater than 40 degrees and is ecologically suitable for forest cover only. 50%25地区的坡度大于40度,而从生态学上说只适合于森林覆盖。
- Forest cover in China now stands at 13 .92 percent, laggi ng far behind the world average level of 25 percent. 中国森林覆盖率为13.;92%25,与世界平均水平25%25的差距还很大。
- Why Does Our Forest Cover Rate Raise Year by Year but Soil Erosion and Desertification Get Serious? 为什么我国森林覆盖率逐年提高而水土流失和荒漠化却日益严重?
- The hut was made of poles covered with grass mats. 茅屋用木杆搭成,上面以草席覆盖。
- The township, forest cover of 65%, rich in underground mineral resources (coal) to be developed. 全乡森林覆盖面积达65%25,地下矿产资源丰富(炼焦煤)有待开发。