- The ambassador was escorted to the plane by the Foreign Secretary. 大使在外交秘书的陪同下上了飞机。
- It was a typically robust performance by the Foreign Secretary. 这是外交大臣典型的有信心的表现。
- The British Foreign Secretary is the minister who looks after foreign affairs. 英国外交大臣是主管外事的部长。
- The Foreign Secretary reached London in time for his work, without an accident. 这位外交大臣准时到伦敦做他的工作,没发生意外。
- Former British Foreign Secretary Malcolm Rifkind rejects that notion. 英国前外交大臣里夫金德反驳了这种看法。
- Foreign Secretary David Miliband this week slammed Moscow's unhelpful attitude. 这星期;对外秘书戴维对莫斯科毫无帮助的态度表示大为不满.
- Listeners are invited to phone in their question to the Shadow Foreign Secretary from six o'clock this evening. 今晚6点钟听众应邀可以向影子内阁的外交部长打电话提问。
- It was decided instead that the Foreign Secretary should dismiss Hitler's gesture in a broadcast. 于是决定改由外交大臣通过广播拒绝希特勒的姿态。
- The Foreign Secretary is currently having talks with his opposite number in the White House. 外交大臣现正和白宫的对等官员会谈。
- By far no hint had appeared as to who was going to be the next Foreign Secretary. 至今还没有迹象表明谁将出任下一届外交大臣。
- His assumption of the Premiership implied a delicate but perceptible change in the position of the Foreign Secretary. 他就任首相以后,就使外交大臣的地位发生了一种非常微妙但又可感觉到的变化。
- The British Foreign Secretary, Lord Palmerston, decided that the time had come for a settlement of Sino-British commercial relations. 英国外务大臣彭玛斯顿勋爵认为事已至此,必须解决中英贸易关系问题。
- Bevin, the Foreign Secretary of Great Britain, that it might well be a fifty years treaty so far as we are concerned. 如果拒绝、忽视、或糟蹋这个机会,我们将受到后世长期的责备。
- Pakistan's Foreign Secretary Salman Bashir visited the scene and vowed to boost security around foreign missions. 巴基斯坦外长巴希尔视察了现场,誓言将加强外国使领馆四周的安全。
- Britain's foreign secretary says he's pleased with the return of Binyam Mohamed. 英国外交部长称,对于宾岩.;莫罕默德返回祖国很高兴。
- David Miliband, the foreign secretary, has yet to recover fully from his fluffed attempt to get a contest going then. 政治市场已经用即拥护率在他身上贴了标签:6月4日必败。
- British Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett announced the new policy Wednesday in an address to parliament in London. 英国外交大臣贝克特星期三在伦敦对议会发表讲话时公布了这项新政策。
- May, the Pakistan foreign secretary Haq here to attend the two foreign ministries for consultations. 5月,巴基斯坦外秘哈克来华参加两国外交部年度磋商。
- Foreign secretary with high quality:political theory quality,etiquette quality,psycology quality and creative mind. 高素质的涉外秘书:政治理论素质,礼仪素质,心理素质和创新意识;
- The British Foreign Secretary,Lord Palmerston,decided that the time had come for a settlement of Sino-British commercial relations. 英国外务大臣彭玛斯顿勋爵认为事已至此,必须解决中英贸易关系问题。