- BARBIERI professional belt is to set up branch offices in China. 我公司是BARBIERI专业皮带商在中国设立的分公司。
- Foreign offices in China 国外事务所
- I have forwarded it on to our office in China. 我以转告我们的中国办事处。
- Some foreign law firms have been allowed to set up agencies or offices in China. 外国的一些律师事务所也被允许在中国设立了代办处或办事处。
- CLS is the only livestock company with a full time office in China. 加拿大家畜服务公司是唯一一家在中国有专门办公室的家畜公司。
- Foreign establishments"in China refer to foreign diplomatic agencies in China, consulates, resident representative offices in China and offices of foreign non-government organizations in China etc. 驻华机构”是指外国驻华外交机构、领事机构、国际组织驻华代表机构、外国驻华商务机构和国外民间组织驻华业务机构等。
- On interning, we are anyway looking at this, but I have written to you also about getting in touch if you want to find out more about the Foreign Office while you are in China. 说到实习,我们随时都考虑提供机会,但是如果在逗留中国期间你想了解更多关于英国外交部的信息,我还为你写下了联系方式。
- The resident foreign corespondent should apply to Peking Foreign Office and provide interview outline if they need to interview an officer in Peking. 外国常驻记者如需采访北京市的领导人,可向北京市外办提出申请,并提供采访提纲。
- Another benefit of munich one is its international orientation with offices in China, Austria and Dubai. 此外公司的又一大优势在于,通过在中国,奥地利,迪拜建立办公室达到了国际化定位。
- IZA has regional offices in China, Europe, Latin America, NorthAmerica, Middle East and Southern Africa. 协会设有区域办事处,欧洲,拉丁美洲,北美洲,美洲,中东和南部非洲。
- AQA has set up the regional offices in China, India, Korea, Mexico, Turkey, SE Asia and Serbia (Europe), Italy. AQA已在中国、印度、日本、墨西哥、土耳其、埃及、沙特阿拉伯和瑞士(欧洲)、加拿大、新加坡设立分支机构。
- He served for two years in the foreign office. 他在外交部干了两年。
- BSV is Swedish-Chinese Group with offices in Sweden, Hong Kong, Guangzhou and plants in Guangzhou area in China. 由于国际业务的迅猛发展以及我司投资在广州市经济开发区的新厂(总投资三千万元以上,占地1.;5万平方米)即将竣工。
- Fujitsu Microelectronics in Asia is fast expanding in China with offices in Shanghai, Beijing and Shenzhen. 富士通微电子亚洲公司在中国的业务发展迅猛,目前在上海、北京和深圳均设有分支机构。
- A room was provided for me in the Foreign Office. “外交部”里已替我预备好一个房间。
- BESTSELLER has three buying offices in China, they are located in Beijing, Shanghai and Hongkong. BESTSELLER在中国有三家代表处,它们分别设立在在北京,上海和香港。
- A crisis has arisen in the Foreign Office. 外事办公室中发生了危机。
- NYSE was the first foreign exchange to receive approval from the Chinese government to open a representative office in China. 纽约证交所是第一个获得中国政府批准在中国设立办事处的证券交易所。
- A crises has arisen in the Foreign Office. 英国外交部已经出现了一场危机。
- Tax official: Does your office pay tax in china? 税务局:您所在的办事处交税吗?