- Foreign body in auditory canal 外耳道内异物
- removal of foreign body in external auditory canal 外耳道异物取出术
- foreign body in external auditory canal 外耳道异物
- The swelling on her finger was caused by a foreign body in it. 她的手指肿胀是手指内有异物引起的。
- The swellingon her finger was caused by a foreign body in it. 她的手指肿胀是手指内有异物引起的。
- He was reduced to tears by a foreign Body in the eye. 眼中的异物使他流泪
- Removal of foreign body from external auditory canal 外耳道异物除去术
- Surgical treatment of iatrogenic foreign bodies in blood vessels. 医源性血管内异物的外科处理。
- foreign bodies of external auditory canal 外耳道异物
- removal of foreign body in intraspinal canal 椎管内异物取除术
- P: I have felt a foreign body in my throat the past three months. I am afraid there is a tumor growth inside. 三个月来我嗓子里有异物感,我担心里面长了肿瘤了。
- Objective:To study the treatment method for concealed and small foreign body in laryngopharynx. 目的:探讨喉咽部隐匿性、细小异物的治疗方法。
- CT coronal scan could show direct and indirect signs of the most foreign body in bronchus of children and it may be acte as primary examintion. CT冠状位扫描可显示绝大多数支气管异物的直接和间接征象 ,可作为小儿支气管异物的首选检查。
- Objective To evalue the effect of ultrasound biomicroscoy(UBM) on diagnosing small foreign body in anterior ocular segment. 目的探讨超声生物显微镜(UBM)在眼前段微小异物诊断中的应用。
- Furuncles of the auditory canal should be allowed to resolve. 应能使耳道疖消退。
- Objective To discuss the value of low-dose spiral CT and MPR in diagnosing the foreign body in trachea and bronchi in children. 目的探讨螺旋CT低剂量扫描及多平面重组(MPR)在诊断小儿气管、支气管异物中的价值。
- His arm was severed from his body in the accident. 在那次意外中,他的手臂被切断了。
- External auditory canal cholesteatoma is a rare disease entity. 摘要外耳道珍珠瘤为耳鼻喉临床少见病例。
- He writhed his body in great discomfort. 他感到很不舒服而扭动身体。