- Foreign office officious ask to see the prisoner. 外交部的官员提出要见见那些囚犯。
- He served for two years in the foreign office. 他在外交部干了两年。
- The German Foreign Office was evasive. 德国外交部推三托四。
- But he has to buck that damned Foreign Office. 但是他也非得撞顶撞顶那个该死的外交部不可。
- A room was provided for me in the Foreign Office. “外交部”里已替我预备好一个房间。
- Paul is attached to the Foreign Office. 保罗被派至外交部。
- A crisis has arisen in the Foreign Office. 外事办公室中发生了危机。
- A crises has arisen in the Foreign Office. 英国外交部已经出现了一场危机。
- The Swiss Foreign Office has handled this very smoothly. 瑞士外交部非常妥贴地处理了这件事。
- The Foreign Office was duly consulted,and gave its nihilobstat. 外交部经过谘商後给予核准。
- The Foreign Office was duly consulted, and gave its nihilobstat. 外交部经过谘商後给予核准。
- The Foreign Office was duly consulted, and gave its nihil obstat. 外交部经请示后予以核准。
- Moreover, now from the Foreign Office came a very powerful thrust. 不但如此,现又有一个来自外交部的非常有力的冲击。
- The Political Archive of the Foreign Office, Bonn, p. 联军进京之后的日记。于是,他从德国外交部政治档案。
- After graduation, she was luckily admitted by the Foreign Office. 毕业后,她幸运的被外交部录取了。
- The Foreign Office was dulyconsulted, and gave its nihil obstat. 外交部经请示后予以核准。
- The Foreign Office was duly consulted,and gave its nihil obstat. 外交部经请示后予以核准。
- They met while she was on secondment from the Foreign Office. 两人是在她从外交部调来短期任职时认识的。
- Its institutional tone suggested that it was written in the foreign office. 它的官方口吻说明它是在外交部写的。
- State Department corresponds largely to the British Foreign Office. 美国的国务院大体上与英国的外交部相当。