- Force Sensing Resistance 灵敏阻抗
- Force Sensing and Force Control Technology for Intelligent Machine System II. 智能机器系统力觉及力控制技术2。
- The DPR strain ty pe d/p transducer and strain type transm itter developed by combining convex roun d diaphragm and force sensing transducer are introduced. 本文介绍了利用凸台圆膜片与测力传感器组合而研制成的DPR型应变式差压传感器和应变式差压变送器。
- Results form fabrication and experiments testify the feasibility and practicability of the presented micro-presented micro-gripper with clamping force sensing. 制作和试验结果验证了这种带力传感的微夹持器的可行性和实用性。
- This paper prest3nts a new model of the force sensing telepresence system,discusses its two- portnetwork structure,deduces relevant hybrid matrix of the network,and analyses the meaning and measuringmethod of the parameters. 本文提出了一个新的力觉临场感系统模型,讨论了它的二端口网络结构,推导了相应的网络特性参数,分析了参数的含义和测量方法。
- Investigation on Teleteaching-playback Technology of Remote Welding Based on Force Sensing[A]Proceedings of 6th International Symposium on Test and Measurement(Volume 7)[C], 2005 . 王晓光;姜奎;戴迎宏;李君;程化一.;磁悬浮盘片支承原理的研究[A]湖北省机械工程学会机械设计与传动专业委员会第十五届学术年会论文集(二)[C];2007
- SONG Ai-guo, HUANG Wei-yi.Telepresence measuring technique and realization of force sensing telepresence measuring[J].Chinese Journal of Scientific Instrument, 1996, 17(3):249-254. [5]宋爱国;黄惟一.;临场感测试技术及力觉临场感的实现[J]
- Study on force sensing system of parallel robot 并联机器人力感觉系统的研究
- interactive gripping force sensing 交互夹持力感觉
- It was a wind that merely quivers the trees, its force sensed but not seen, a force that might almost hold back the day if it were so directed. 轻盈漫步的姿态只可肤感不可眼见。倘若一声令下,仿佛也足以延缓白昼的来临。东方鱼肚白时,退身休息,似也略显疲倦。
- It is vain to attempt to root out heresy by force. 试图用暴力消除异端邪说是徒劳的。
- Napoleon conquered by the force of an iron will. 拿破仑攻无不克靠的是坚强的意志。
- But they refused to bow to force. 但他们拒不向武力低头。
- The enemy's resistance has stalled by force. 敌方的抵抗被迫放弃了。
- I had to use force in opening the door. 我不得不用力开那一扇门。
- The invasion force was annihilated. 侵略军被消灭了。
- When do the new safety rules come into force? 新的安全规则何时生效?
- The destructive force of the storm is huge. 暴风雨的破坏力是巨大的。
- Many old rules are not in force any more. 许多旧的制度都已经失效。
- Beiyang Navy is the earliest naval force of China. 北洋水师是中国最早的海军部队。