- Footprint at locale 现场足迹
- Chinese lunches and dinners at local restaurants. 在指定旅游餐馆享用中式午餐和晚餐。
- Deaths in rural areas are registered at local police stations. 在郊区,死亡登记在当地警署办理。
- I ectio of freshwater fish at local markets would be ste ed up. 会加强检验本地街市售卖的淡水鱼。
- Boys and girls are studying at local elementary school. 男孩女孩们都在当地的小学校学习。
- I have served one-year internship at local news agency. 我在当地的新闻社实习过一年。
- But at local restaurants,there's no need to add a graturity. 但在当地的饭馆里,却没有必要附加小费。
- Outdated procurement procedures at local authority level. 地方当局使用的采购程序已不合时宜。
- One day it occurred to me to look at local group membership. 有一天,我突然想到查看一下本地组成员身份。
- When you complete this form at locale, you can return it straight away. 现场填写完后,直接交回;
- The risks in auditing are growing, as it is weak at local levels. 审计基础工作薄弱,审计风险在加大等等,这些都是需要审计机关迫切予以解决的。
- The VAT chain is not preserved if applied at local level. 如果在地方上使用,增值税链条得不到维持。
- Small, when set to a TRUE value, instructs the bzip library to perform decompression in a minimal memory footprint at the cost of speed. 当small设为TRUE值时,指示bzip库用最小的内存占用来执行解压缩,代价是速度会慢一些。
- A student union called for a one-day strike at local colleges. 在当地大学中,一个学生会号召进行为时一天的罢课。
- The tour includes all entrance tickets and lunch at local restaurant. 旅费里包括了所有的门票费用和当地餐馆的午餐费用。
- The film is on general release,ie is being shown widely at local cinemas. 该影片发行面很广(当地影院普遍放映).
- People say that party politics,even at local level,can be a dirty game. 据说党派政治,即使是地方一级的,也可能是一种卑鄙的勾当。
- Competition from across the border is eating away at local retail trade. 深圳零售业带来的竞争大大抢走了本地零售业的生意。
- In the Customer Service section of the Support tab and at local UPS offices. 网站中支援标签下的服务指南及各地UPS办事处。
- Scale Economy at the Global Level with Flexible Response at Local Level. 全球性规模经济与地方性灵活反应。