- He fooled away a whole afternoon. 他浪费掉了整个下午。
- He fooled away a whole afternoon . 他浪费掉了整个下午。
- He whiled away a whole afternoon. 他闲混了整整一个下午。
- Fool away a whole afternoon 浪费掉整个下午
- She spent a whole afternoon sorting out her stamps. 她花了整整一个下午整理邮票。
- to potter away a whole afternoon 浪费一下午
- 1.He whiled away a whole afternoon. 他闲混了整整一个下午。
- Booking the ticket have take up a whole afternoon. 预订这些票占了整个下午。
- We spent a whole afternoon baling hay. 我们花了整整一个下午的时间捆稻草。
- Booking the tickets has taken up a whole afternoon. 预订这些票占用了整个下午。
- Doze away a whole afternoon 整个下午在打瞌睡
- Moon away a whole afternoon 胡思乱想地度过整个下午
- Booking the tickets has taken up a whole afternoon . 预订这些票占用了整个下午。
- We wasted a whole afternoon trying to repair the car. 我们为修汽车浪费了整个下午。
- He slumbered away a hot afternoon. 他以睡眠打发一个炎热的下午。
- It's regrettable that you diddled away the whole afternoon. 真可惜,你把整个下午浪费掉了。
- Never chuck away a chance to improve your English. 永远不要放弃提高你英语水平的机会。
- She didn't do a stitch of work the whole afternoon. 她一个下午什么事也没有做。
- You don't throw away a whole life just 'cause he's banged up a little. 你不能由于一正点面缺点就摈弃一个完全的性命。
- The teacher spent a whole afternoon correcting the students'compositions. 老师花了整整一个下午来批改学生的作文。