- He wait behind to have a word with her in private. 他留下来好跟她私下里说句话。
- And they came from behind to win that gory fight. 于是他们都奋勇向前,打赢了那一场血雨腥风的战争。
- He offered to remain behind to help me. 他提出留下来帮助我。
- He came from behind to win by a nose. 他后来居上,以微小的差距获胜。
- A detachment of ten men remain behind to guard the prisoner. 由十名士兵组成的分遣队留在後面看守囚犯。
- He waited behind to have a word with her in private. 他留下来好跟她私下里说句话。
- Follow behind to 跟随
- Mama, and I followed behind, weeping. 我记得爸,记得爸的木匣。
- When the job sites near the train station get filled up, Sims that follow behind will be out of luck. 一旦火车站附近的工作满员,剩下的市民只有自叹倒霉。
- Broadly speaking James does adequate work, but somebody else still has to follow behind him to dot the i's and cross the t's. 直率地说,詹姆斯做了很多工作,但有人仍然得跟在他后面补课。
- Two students waited behind to put more questions to the lecturer. 两个学生留下来等着问演讲者更多的问题。
- The Totenkopf Division was ordered to follow behind and mop up Red Army stragglers in Lithuanian forests. “警察”师奉命跟随前进,肃清在立陶宛森林中的红军。
- A regiment stayed behind to keep guard on the frontier. 有一个团留下来防守边境。
- Broadly speaking James does adequate work,but somebody else still has to follow behind him to dot the i's and cross the t's. 直率地说,詹姆斯做了很多工作,但有人仍然得跟在他后面补课。
- Some students were kept behind to help clear up after the meeting. 有几个学生在会后被留下来帮着打扫会场。
- The teacher remained behind to help me with my English after class. 课后老师留下来帮我学习英语。
- They went for a walk but I stayed behind to look after the baby. 他们去散步,但是我留下来照顾婴儿。
- Watch Romon, Lee Eun-they follow behind you call your God, look at you with joy in the group, the success of their garrulous. 看着罗蒙,李银她们跟在你身后叫你爷,看着你在群里跟快乐,成功他们贫嘴。
- He looked behind to make sure he was not being followed. 他往后看了看确保没有人跟踪。
- Call convict to follow behind him again protection, convict abide by makes, officer scolds again: "So go, be I give you open a way. 又叫罪犯到他身后去跟随保护,罪犯又遵令走在后面,军官又骂道:“这么走,是我给你开路了。”