- The dying animal was found foaming at the mouth. 那只将死的动物被发现口吐白沫。
- Some of Anthony's stupid comments make me foam at the mouth. 安东尼的一番愚蠢的评头论足使我非常愤怒。
- He was foaming at the mouth because of his daughter's rudeness. 他女儿的粗暴态度使他暴跳如雷。
- A symptom of rabies is foaming at the mouth. 狂犬病的一个症状就是口吐泡沫。
- We found a dying dog foaming at the mouth. 我们发现一只垂死的狗口吐泡沫。
- The mad dog was foaming at the mouth. 疯狗口吐白沫。
- The dying cat was found foaming at the mouth. 那只将死的猫被发现口吐泡沫。
- Directions: Apply appropriate amount and foam at the hands and massage over the face. Rinse with tepid water. 使用方法:取适量本品揉出泡沫后,轻柔地按摩式地涂抹在脸上,然后用温水洗净。
- Columbia was destroyed during re-entry in 2003 because of a hole in its wing, left there by flyaway foam at liftoff. 哥伦比亚号在2003年重返地球被摧毁,原因是起飞时机翼飞离出的泡沫留下的一个洞。
- The creature was foaming at the mouth. 这家伙在口吐白沫。
- The rabid dog foamed at the mouth. 那只狗染上狂犬病,口吐白沫。
- He looked like a madman, foaming at the mouth. 他口吐白沫, 看上去像个疯子。
- The sick dog foamed at the mouth. 那只病犬口吐白沫。
- The beer was foaming at the top. 啤酒上面冒出一层白沫。
- First off, members of the so-called antisexual movement sit on top of the list.Those weirdos foam at the mouth arguing that sex is bad for your health etc. 一些人觉得对性的关注不存在任何问题,也有人觉得思考性让他们感觉轻松,还有一部分人认为生活中没有性他们会过得更好,如那些禁欲者,他们甚至愤怒的宣称性对人的健康有害。
- The horse was foaming at the mouth after its fast run. 马飞奔过后嘴边满是白沫。
- John was foaming at the mouth. I've never seen anyone so angry. 约翰怒气冲天,我还从没有看见过有人生那么大的气呢。
- He was angry to that degree that he foamed at the mouth. 他气得嘴边沫子直冒。
- He is foaming at the mouth about the committee's decision. 他正为委员会的决定大发其火。
- I wasn't exactly foaming at the mouth over a romantic movie. 我不是真的对一部浪漫电影发火。