- Flush myself down the toilet 把我自己从马桶冲下去
- You might as well flush it down the toilet. 你简直是把钱扔入马桶里去了。
- They flushed the drugs down the toilet. 他们从马桶冲走了毒品。
- Flush Oneself down the Toilet Shelley: Do you want a date Saturday? 谢莉:你星期六想有个约会对象吗?
- My son tried to flush our ferret down the toilet and I needed to tend to the ferret. 我儿子把家里的狗掉进了下水道,我必须全力把狗救出来。
- Wrap the condom in a tissue and place it in a bin, do not flush it down the toilet. 请将使用后的避孕套用纸巾包好,放进垃圾桶内,不要弃于马桶中,以免造成堵塞。
- I've flushed mine down the toilet. 我把我的那些扔到马桶里冲掉了。
- Maybe I had just better begin to flush them down the toilet.Maybe I had better tear them to pieces and throw them into the toilet and flush them down. 或许我最好还是现在就动手,把日记扔进马桶冲掉。
- Dispose of the used condom hygienically.Wrap the condom in a tissue and place it in a bin(do not flush it down the toilet). 请谨慎处理使用过的安全套,用纸巾包好安全套并放进垃圾桶内,不要扔进马桶内冲走。
- I set myself down as a journalist in the hotel register. 我在旅馆登记薄上以新闻记者的身份登了记。
- Her chosen poison was oestrogen, one of the hormonesthat make women women and help to control the menstrual cycle.People flush alot of oestrogen down the toilet. 她选择的毒素是一种可以促进女性发育并且控制月经周期的雌激素。
- Dispose of the used condom hygienically.Wrap the condom in a tissue and place it in a bin(do not flush it down the toilet).NEVER USE A CONDOM MORE THAN ONCE. 请谨慎处理使用过的安全套,用纸巾包好安全套并放进垃圾桶内,不要扔进马桶内冲走。每只安全套只可使用一次,勿反复使用。
- Prince William once flushed his dad's shoes down the toilet. 英国威廉王子曾经把他老爸的皮鞋冲下马桶?
- I eased myself down the smooth,nearly vertical wall on my back,pressing my aims and legs outward against the sides. 我背贴着近乎垂直的光滑岩壁,四肢分开用力撑住两边,小心翼翼地慢慢向下移动。
- I eased myself down the smooth, nearly vertical wall on my back, pressing my aims and legs outward against the sides. 我背贴着近乎垂直的光滑岩壁,四肢分开用力撑住两边,小心翼翼地慢慢向下移动。
- Don't forget to flush the toilet after use. 用完厕所,不要忘了冲。
- How shall I set myself down in the hotel register? 在旅馆的登记簿上,我应如何写自己的身份呢?
- Dozy Britons accidentially drop885,000 mobile phones down the toilet each year. 昏昏欲睡的大不列颠人每年不小心掉进厕所里的手机数为88.;5万只。
- The toilet doesn't flush properly. 马桶冲不下去了。
- He had a series of amazing adventures after he was flushed down the toilet. 被冲进马桶后,他经历了一连串的奇妙冒险。