- Floss oil content rate 丝绵含油率
- The Correlation Between Seed Oil Content Rate and Agronomic Characters of Oil Sunflower 油用向日葵部分性状与籽实含油率的相关性研究
- Oil content is below national standard. 含油量低于国家标准。
- We assure you that the oil content of the groundnuts is 45% at its minimum. 我们向贵公司保证该批花生仁的含油量最低不少于45%25。
- As the application of the transgenic technology, oil content of rapeseed is increasing more and inure. 不利的储藏条件常导致油脂的酸值和过氧化值升高,油色变暗。
- Fig 2. EPA content in egg yolk with different dietary fish oil content and experimental time. 图2.;饲粮中添加鱼油对蛋黄中EPA含量之时间变化图形。
- In this paper,the importance of measuring the water content rate of parched crop seeds was discussed,and an accurate measurement method and its system composition was introduced. 本文论述了农作物种子烘干处理后含水率测量在种子烘干处理中的重要性,介绍了一种精确测量方法及对应系统组成,总结了本系统的实用情况及应用价值。
- The transpired air does not include any oil content, which remove the vexation of the facilities with air and the secondary products polluted the oil. 排出的空气不含油份,解除油对用设施和二次产品污染的烦恼。
- The contract price should increase or decrease in proportion to the oil content. 合同价格按含油量同比例增减。
- Development of High Oil Content, High Yield, Disease Risistance Summer Soybean Handou No. 高油夏大豆新品种邯豆四号的选育。
- Used for determine the oil content of wool or synthetic samples etc. By solvent percolation and evaporation. 用于各种纤维所含油脂的快速提取,以测定油脂含量。
- New method has simplified the measurement of oil content in water, with simple equipment and easy operation. 新方法减少了水样含油量的测定工作量,且设备简单、操作方便。
- In this paper, the importance of measuring the water content rate of parched crop seeds was discussed, and an accurate measurement method and its system composition was introduced. 本文论述了农作物种子烘干处理后含水率测量在种子烘干处理中的重要性,介绍了一种精确测量方法及对应系统组成,总结了本系统的实用情况及应用价值。
- Despite the reduced oil content with increasing nitrogen rates, the highest oil production per hectare came from the highest nitrogen treatment. 尽管随着氮肥施用量的增加含油率下降,但每公顷最高油产量仍得自于最高的施氮肥处理。
- OBJECTIVE To analyze the oil content and fatty acids composition in Trichosanthes rosthornii seeds. 目的测定双边栝蒌种子油的含量及其脂肪酸组成。
- This kind of floss is used for embroidery. 这种丝线用来刺绣。
- Title: Genetic diversity of oil content and relationship with pod characters in peanut(Arachis hypogaea L. 关键词:花生;种质资源;脂肪含量;遗传多样性;荚果性状
- The oil content in these lines, which had superior agronomy and quality traits were stable among different years. 其年度间含油量性状较为稳定,综合性状良好。
- With low calorie and low oil content, nourishing and crisp Carambola chips are truly green and non-puffed food. 脆片保留了新鲜杨桃的营养成分,又添加了加工后的酥脆,不含胆固醇及防腐剂,真正成为低热、低脂、高营养、香脆可口的绿色非膨化食品。