- Italian architect celebrated for his work during the Florentine Renaissance. His greatest achievement is the octagonal ribbed dome of the Florence cathedral. 布鲁内莱斯基,菲利波1377-1446意大利建筑师,其作品在佛罗伦萨文艺复兴时期享有盛名。其杰作是佛罗伦萨大教堂的八边形肋骨穹隆
- Italian architect celebrated for his work during the Florentine Renaissance.His greatest achievement is the octagonal ribbed dome of the Florence cathedral. 布鲁内莱斯基,菲利波1377-1446意大利建筑师,其作品在佛罗伦萨文艺复兴时期享有盛名。其杰作是佛罗伦萨大教堂的八边形肋骨穹隆
- Brunelleschi:Italian architect celebrated for his work during the Florentine Renaissance. His greatest achievement is the octagonal ribbed dome of the Florence cathedral. 布鲁内莱斯基:意大利建筑师,其作品在佛罗伦萨文艺复兴时期享有盛名。其杰作是佛罗伦萨大教堂的八边形肋骨穹
- the octagonal ribbed dome of the Florence cathedral 佛罗伦萨大教堂的八边形肋骨穹隆
- achievement is the octagonal ribbed dome of the Florence cathedral 布鲁内莱斯基,菲利波1377-1446意大利建筑师,其作品在佛罗伦萨文艺复兴时期享有盛名。其杰作是佛罗伦萨大教堂的八边形肋骨穹隆
- The crown of St Wenceslas was in prague cathedral. 圣文萨斯雷的皇冠保存在布拉格大教堂。
- Not far from the Palazzo Vecchio lies Florence's Cathedral Square. 离韦奇奥宫不远的地方座落着的是佛罗伦萨教堂广场。
- Florence Cathedral 佛罗伦斯大教堂
- Pisa is to the west (of Florence). 比萨在(佛罗伦萨的)西边。
- The Dome of Florence Cathedral 佛洛伦萨大教堂穹顶
- A native or inhabitant of Florence, Italy. 佛罗伦萨人意大利佛罗伦萨人或居民
- Shall we look round the cathedral this afternoon? 我们今天下午参观大教堂好吗?
- This street offers a fine vista of the cathedral. 这条街的尽头是个大教堂,远远望去非常好看。
- Photography is strictly forbidden in the cathedral. 教堂内严禁摄影。
- I don't like the cathedral style of his writing. 我不喜欢他官腔十足的文风。
- A cathedral is an impressive building. 大教堂是能给人留下深刻印象的建筑物。
- Florence is the shrine of the Renaissance. 佛罗伦萨是文艺复兴的圣地。
- A cathedral of the Gothic order. 哥特式建筑风格的教堂
- This cathedral was regarded as a miracle in architectural history. 这座大教堂被认为是建筑史上的奇迹。
- The dome of St. Paul Cathedral is well known in the world. 圣保罗教堂的圆顶闻名于世。