- Flight Crew Operations 空勤人员活动
- The flight crew aborted the takeoff. 飞行机组人员取消了起飞。
- The flight crew roster was issued on the 20th of the month. 此份航班乘务员登记表是本月20号公布的。
- The flight crew roster was issued on the 20th of the month . 此份航班乘务员登记表是本月20号公布的。
- The flight crew roster is issue on the 20th of the month. 此份航班乘务员登记表是本月20号公布的。
- Gentex HGU 56-P Helicopter Flight Crew Helmet.US Army. 现役美国新直升机头盔......
- Flight Crew Operating Manual 飞行机组人员操作手册
- Aircrew: The crew operating an aircraft. 机组人员:飞机上的全体工作人员。
- The upper deck contains the cockpit10 and flight crew rest area for long missions. 上层舱设有驾驶室及远程飞行的机组人员休息室。
- A claustrophobic woman got into a confrontation with a flight crew, causing a United Airline's jet from London to divert to Boston. 一个恐怖症女人和机组对抗,造成联合航空公司的飞机从伦敦转移到波士顿。
- The show began airing last week and is said to have enthralled viewers. But flight crew and their union are horrified. 这部肥皂剧上周才开始播出,据说吸引了大批观众收看。但空服员及工会却大惊失色。
- The militants' attempt to hijack the plane was foiled by the flight crew, the official said. 此官员说飞机乘务组挫败了劫持此飞机的企图。
- Composition and number of member of the flight crew should conform to the regulations of CAA. 机组的组成和人员数额,应当符合国务院民用航空主管部门的规定。
- SELCAL.(optional) This provides an alert to the flight crew that a ground station wishes to communicate with them. 选择呼叫系统。当地面站想要联系飞机的时候,选择呼叫系统会提醒机组人员。
- Boeing &Airbus aircraft, engine and component maintenance. Flight Crew transition training and wet or dry recurrent training. 波音、空客系列飞机、发动机和部件的维修。飞行员转型培训、以及干/湿循环培训。
- After traveling 26 nautical miles beyond its destination, the flight crew finally responded, reversed course and landed safely, according to the NTSB. 美国全国运输安全委员会称,在飞过目的地26海里后,飞行员终于反应过来,调转飞机并最终安全降落。
- According to statements from the flight crew, flight 2811 was uneventful until the landing gear was lowered prior to landing at CMH. 根据飞行机组人员的陈述,2811次航班是无重大事故的,直到起落架在在CMH 登陆之前降低。
- A claustrophobic woman got into a confrontation with a flight crew, causing a United Airlines jet from London to divert to Boston. 一位患有幽闭恐怖症的妇女和一架联合航班客机的机组人员进入了对峙状态,迫使飞机从伦敦转入波斯顿。
- Cockpit voice recorder: A cockpit voice recorder picks up all cockpit noises, radio communications, flight crew announcements, and flight crew conversations. 驾驶舱语音记录仪:驾驶舱语音记录仪可以记录驾驶舱内所有的声音、无线电通信、机组人员的广播和对话。
- After Japan launched the War of the Pacific Ocean, the United States dispatched the Doolittle flight crew to directly bomb the native land of Japan in counterattack. 日本发动太平洋战争,美国派遣杜立特机组直接轰炸日本本土,给日本法西斯以正面还击。