- Flies contaminated milk. 苍蝇弄脏了牛奶。
- The outbreak of food poisoning was put down to contaminated milk. 发生大量食物中毒现象据说是牛奶沾染细菌造成的。
- At first the outbreak of food poisoning was put down to contaminated milk. 起初以为食物中毒是牛奶受到污染的缘故。
- The reports on the contaminated milk powder and meat are really appalling. 二恶英污染奶粉肉类等食品的事件令人心惊。
- "Those responsible for the contaminated milk will face severe punishment," said an official with the team. 调查组的官员称:"受污染的奶粉负责的相关人员将会面临严厉的处罚.;"
- Four children have died after drinking the contaminated milk made by some of China's main producers. 四个孩子在饮用由中国一些主要生产商的受污染的牛奶后已经死亡。
- Flies contaminate food. 苍蝇可污染食物。
- After the melamine- contaminated milk incident the sales volume of milk headed into a steep dive. 毒牛奶事件后,牛奶销量大幅下降。
- A child who had been poisoned by contaminated milk formula receives medical treatment at a hospital in Hefei, Anhui province. 在安徽省合肥市的一家医院里,一名孩子因为食用受污染的牛奶配方中毒接受治疗。
- Recently, the "contaminated milk powder" case is a heated topic, some well-known manufacturers like San Lu, Meng Niu, Yi Li , ect, are involved in. 针对近来沸沸扬扬的"毒奶粉"事件,我不想多说,在中国这个体制和制度下,出现这种事情不奇怪。
- AT least 432 babies across China have developed kidney stones from contaminated milk powder, Health Minister Gao Qiang said yesterday. 昨日,卫生部部长高强说,在全国至少有432名婴儿因为受污染的奶粉而患上肾结石。
- Zealand officials "blew the whistle" on the sale of contaminated milk linked to the death of at least one baby in China, Prime Minister Helen Clark says. 总理海伦.克拉克说,新西兰官员曾经“揭发”受到污染的牛奶被出售,该牛奶在中国至少导致一名婴儿死亡。
- Liu said the parents were hoping to hurt the dairy producer that sold them contaminated milk, but accepted that an out-of-court settlement might also ensue. 刘说,受害者父母曾想过伤害那些想他们销售受污染奶粉的奶粉生产者,但承认这种法律之外的解决途径可能会导致继发性的诉讼。
- The latest mission has dominated front pages of China's state-controlled media, knocking aside coverage of China's continuing scandal involving contaminated milk. 最新的航天任务已占据中国国家控制的媒体首页,批评中国持续涉及被污染牛奶的丑闻报道放到一边。
- Melamine is a chemical rich in nitrogen that is used in making plastics, glues and whiteboards.It was implicated in the recent cases of contaminated milk and milk products from China. 三聚氰胺是一种富含氮的化学用品,一般是用来做塑料,胶水和白板,而三聚氰胺就是和最近发生的中国毒奶事件有关。
- The contaminated milk powder was sold by New Zealand dairy giant Fonterra's Chinese joint venture partner, Sanlu - raising fears the scandal could taint New Zealand's reputation in the massive market. 受到污染的奶粉由新西兰奶业巨头恒天然的中国合作伙伴[我是二百五]销售,由此丑闻引发的恐慌可能在巨大市场面前败坏新西兰的声誉。
- Those were the verdicts passed by five courts Thursday in the melamine contaminated milk case in which Sanlu Group executives, suppliers to the dairy firm and middlemen were the accused. 以上判决是针对三聚氰胺污染奶粉案中的被告:三鹿集团管理人员,奶粉公司的供应商和分销商,由五位法官在本周四作出的。
- The hot weather has soured the milk. 炎热的天气使牛奶变酸了。
- I flap the flies away but soon they fly back. 我把苍蝇赶走,但一会儿又飞回来了。
- The bird flies out when he opens the window. 当他打开窗户时鸟就飞出去了。