- The northern section now forms the Dutch province of North Brabant.The southern section eventually became part of Belgium and is divided between the provinces of Flemish Brabant and Walloon Brabant. 北部形成了今荷兰的北布拉班特省,南部最后成为比利时的一部分,并被划分为法兰德斯布拉班特和瓦隆布拉班特两省。
- Flemish Brabant 佛兰芒布拉班特
- A curtain or a wall hanging, especially one of Flemish origin. 帘或挂在墙壁上的(毯子), 特指源自佛兰德地区的一种
- My mother was a Flemish farmer's wife. 我妈妈是一位佛兰芒农妇。
- From Athens, Malcolm Brabant reports. MalcolmBrabant来自雅典的报道。
- The period resulted in what became known as the Brabant canvases. 这段时间产生了后来被称作布拉班特的绘画作品。
- Flemish cartographer who developed the Mercator projection(1568). 麦卡托,格哈杜斯1512-1594佛兰芝地图的绘制者,发明了麦卡托投影法(1568年)
- Fighting some great campaign in Hainault of Brabant or Flanders. 在布拉邦省的埃诺,或是法兰德斯,指挥某次伟大的决战。
- From 11th century, the economy of Flemish cities developed quickly. 从11世纪开始,佛兰德尔经济发展迅速。
- Bruegel was a Flemish painter of landscape and scene of rural life. 布鲁格尔是弗兰德斯画家,他擅长风景画和描绘乡村生活。
- Invited competition, organised by the Flemish Government Architect. 邀请比赛由佛兰芒政府建筑师。
- In early 14th century, the economy of Flemish cities prospered. 到14世纪前期,佛兰德尔城市经济达到极盛。
- Next, all eyes turned towards the platform reserved for the Flemish envoys. 大家的视线遂转向留给弗朗德勒使臣的看台。
- When I did the casting in May, no one came," said the Flemish director. 我在5月招演员的时候,根本没有人来。"
- All eyes turned towards the platform reserved for the Flemish envoys. 大家的视线都转向留给弗朗德勒使臣的看台。
- He is Flemish and a member of Belgium's conservative Christian Democrat party. 范龙佩是佛兰德人,也是比利时保守派基督教民主党的成员。
- There were tensions within the family,now that he was living back with his parents in Brabant. 因为他回到布拉班特后与父母住在一起,家庭关系有些紧张。
- A Belgian who speaks Flemish. 讲佛兰芒语的比利时人
- Van Gogh was born on March 30, 1835 at Groot Zundert in the Dutch province of Noord Brabant. 凡高1853年3月30日出生于荷兰北布拉班特省的格鲁特·宗德尔特,是位牧师的儿子。
- Van Gogh was born on March 30,1835 at Groot Zundert in the Dutch province of Noord Brabant. 凡高于1853年3月30日出生于荷兰北布拉班特省的格鲁特·宗德尔特,是位牧师的儿子。