- Fleet Operation Command 舰队作战司令部
- It may be necessary to change Operation Command Post to Incident Command Post. 也许需要运行指挥所改变为事故指挥部。
- United States Special Operations COMmand, USSOCOM. 美国特种作战司令部。
- A conditional remove operation command switches over only the RCSs that can be switched without dropping stable calls. 有条件退出服务的操作命令仅切换那些不用中断稳定呼叫就可切换的rcs。
- "We've spent a lot of generations in the Arabian Gulf doing Fifth Fleet operations," said Haas. 我们几代人都在阿拉伯湾执行第五舰队的行动,”哈斯说。
- FOC ships from the angle of fleet operation 从船队经营看方便旗船
- Background in fleet operations, with experience in sourcing of operational vehicles and related fleet management services will be advantageous. 在车辆采购及管理服务认证和选择方面有相关经验和背景则优先。
- A briefly introduction and survey of military simulation are given. And discussed character, buildup construction, situation and development of weapon platform, operation command, and strategy decision-making simulation systems, respectively. 简要介绍了军事仿真的概念和分类,并分别对武器装备平台仿真、战指挥仿真、略决策仿真等不同层次仿真系统的特点、成、状及发展作了综述和讨论。
- Not less than 2 forums per year involving members in key NGV themes e.g. fleet operators, fuelling station owners, training organisations. 每年至少2次讨论会,人员包括天然气汽车关键主题会员、快速操作者、 加气站拥有者; 培训组织者.
- Fleet Mobile Operational Command Center 舰队移动行动指挥中心
- Has fully operational command of the language: appropriate, accurate and fluent with complete understanding. 具有完全驾驭语言的能力:适宜、准确、流畅、理解正确。
- Brief research on managerial methods for bus fleet operation 公交企业车队营运管理方式初探
- Expert User. Has fully operational command of the language: appropriate, accurate and fluent with complete understanding. 成绩极佳,能将英语运用自如,精确、流利并能完全理解。
- BAND 9 Expert User: Has fully operational command of the language appropriate, accurate and fluent with complete understanding. 9分专家级:具有完全的语言实际运用能力,达到恰当、准确、流利并理解透彻。
- Main storage space is allocated for it dynamically and is freed after the operator command contained within the CIB has been processed. 该区在主存空间是动态分配的,并且在该缓冲区中的操作员命令得到处理之后就被释放。
- A camel fleet to carry me to my native place. 木兰不用尚书郎,愿借千里足,送儿还故乡。
- Has operational command of the language, though with occasional inaccuracies, inappropriacies and misunderstandings in some situations. 完全可以运用英语,只是偶尔出现非原则性的不准确和不得体;在涉及不熟悉的情景时出现理解失误;
- The combined fleet is armed to the teeth. 这支联合舰队全副武装。
- The fleet is-ring off the east coast. 舰队驶离东海岸进行演习。
- Forty-three people were killed in Diyala in March up from 29 in February and 6 in January according to the Diyala Operations Command. 根据迪亚拉省作战指挥官所述,在迪亚拉被杀的人数从一月份的6人上升到二月份的29人,而三月份则高达43人。