- Flecked with various colors. 杂色的带有多种色彩的
- Aluminum railing with various colors. 供应铝合金栏杆,扶手;围栏(图)
- The girl like to collect chalks with various colors. 女孩喜欢收集各色粉笔。
- Good quality with various color and designs. 2:Bronzing on all kinds of fabrics,there are process... 发布者:赵梅宝所在地:江苏苏州市行业:纺织、皮革职位:外销员工作年限:一年以上
- In sensu lato, feicui is a commercial name for jadaeitite with gem quality and commercial value, the general name of gem jadaitite with various colors. 翡翠,从广义讲是指具有商业价值,达到宝石级的硬玉岩的商业名称,是各种颜色宝石级硬玉岩的总称;狭义的翡翠概念是单指那些绿色的宝石级硬玉岩。
- The sky was flecked with clouds. 天空遍布点点云。
- Waterproof, dustproof, anti-blast. The durable fiberglass made casing is easy to clean and with various color, especially suitable for wet environment. 防水,防尘,抗稻瘟病。耐用玻璃纤维套管作出易于清洁和各种颜色,特别适用于潮湿环境。
- The grass was flecked with sunlight. 草地上点缀着斑驳的阳光。
- Mosaiculture has rich sculpts and all kinds of graphics with various color and appearance could be made by the composition of flowers and leaves. 立体花坛造型丰富,可以制作出由花和叶组成具有各种色彩和外观的图形。
- The bird's breast is flecked with brown. 这只鸟胸前有棕色斑点。
- The fabric was red, flecked with gold. 织物是红色的,带有金黄色的斑点。
- He persecuted me with various delicate questions. 他用种种微妙的问题把我难倒了。
- His mind was still teeming with various projects. 他的脑子里依然塞满了各式各样的计划。
- His hair was flecked with paint. 他的头发上粘有点点油漆。
- The bird's breast is flecked with red. 鸟的前胸有红斑点。
- The sky is flecked with white clouds. 天空点缀着片片白云。
- He occupied himself with various research projects. 他终日从事各种研究计划。
- Holes are machined on lathes with various cutting tools. 孔眼可用不同的切削刀具在车床上加工。
- A variety of deep-green chalcedony flecked with red jasper. 鸡血石,血滴石一种上有红色碧玉斑点的深绿色玉髓
- A variety of deep - green chalcedony flecked with red jasper. 鸡血石,血滴石一种上有红色碧玉斑点的深绿色玉髓