- He was first and last an administrator. 他一直是个行政管理人员。
- He was a real gentleman, first and last. 从各方面来看,他都是个正人君子。
- Song, flavour and charm are not enough, however. 然而,仅有这些是不够的。
- And last but not least there is the question of adequate funding. 最后同样重要的是要有足够的资金的问题。
- Queen of England as the sixth and last wife of Henry VIII. 帕尔,凯瑟琳1512-1548英国皇后,是亨利八世的第六位也是最后一位妻子
- The wine has a light, dry fruity flavour and delicate bouquet. 这种酒有一种淡淡的果香和微妙的酒香。
- The film starts at 7.30 and lasts two hours. 影片7点30分开演,演两个小时。
- Character is first and last word in the success. 品性是成功之本。
- My father was first and last a worker. 父亲过去一直是个工人。
- Maybe it was not strong enough and lasting. 也许是不够坚持。
- Flavouring and lasting 隽永有味
- A relationship,partnership and lasting commitment. 2一段恋情,一份友谊,一份永久的承诺。
- Rain settled in shortly before midday and lasted all afternoon. 雨是快要到中午的时候开始下的,并持续了一整个下午。
- Angus always finished his work on schedule because he is first and last a professional. 安格斯总是按时完成工作,因为他是个完全精通本职工作的人。
- First and last,it is important to know oneself. 总而言之,人贵有自知之明。
- First, write down your first and last name. 首先,请写上你的姓名。
- The tenth and last chapter is written by Oliver. 第十章即最后一章是由奥利费写的.
- Amaretto and cream should add at the last step to keep the flavour and smooth of the sauce. 杏仁甜酒和忌廉要最后下,以保持酒香及汁底香滑。
- He recited the tenth and last paragraph. 他背诵了第十段亦即最后一段。
- Thai sauces have a distinctive flavour and invariable use a lot of garlic. 泰式辣椒酱有一种与众不同的风味,总...