- Fished all day without a bite; an ad that got a few bites but no final sales. 一整天没半条鱼上钩; 这则广告吸引了一些人上钩,但最后还是没有卖出东西
- Fished all day without a bite; an adthat got a few bites but no final sales. 一整天没半条鱼上钩;这则广告吸引了一些人上钩,但最后还是没有卖出东西。
- fished all day without a bite; an ad that got a few bites but no final sales 一整天没半条鱼上钩;这则广告吸引了一些人上钩,但最后还是没有卖出东西
- Fished all day without a bite 一整天没钓到半条鱼
- She worked all day without a break. 她接连工作了一整天。
- for he would sit on a wet rock, with a rod as long and heavy as a Tartar's lance, and fish all day without a murmur, even though he should not be encouraged by a single nibble. 他宁愿扛上一副弓箭,花好几个小时穿过树林、越过沼泽地、爬上山坡,再走下溪谷,就是为了射那几只松鼠或野鸽子。
- They fished all day, but didn't catch a thing. 他们钓了一天鱼,但是一条鱼也没钓到。
- They fished all day, but they didn't catch a thing. 他们钓了一天鱼,但是他们一条鱼也没钓到。
- We fished all day, but we didn't catch a thing. 我们钓了一天的鱼,但是什么也没有钓到。
- We fished all day, we didn't catch a thing. 我们钓了一天的鱼,我们一条鱼也没钓到。
- I have not taken a bite all day. 我整天没有吃一点东西。
- He hasn't had a bite to eat all day. 他一整天什么也没吃过。
- The rain continued all day without intermission. 雨整天下个不停。
- We fished all day; we didn't catch a fish. 我们钓了一天的鱼,一条鱼也没钓到。
- He hasn' t had a bite ( to eat ) all day. 他整天都没吃东西。
- He hasn't had a bite (to eat) all day. 他整天都没吃东西。
- The children haven't had a bite to eat all day. 孩子们一整天什么也没吃过。
- He sat by the river for hours without a bite. 他在河边垂钓了几个钟头,没有一条鱼上钩。
- They fished all day in the river . 他们整天在河里捕鱼。
- Never go out in the heat of the day without a hat. 在白天最热的时候出门不能不带帽子。