- First Battle of Cadiz 第一次加的斯之战(1578)
- The sting of the death is the sin (I Cor. 15:55~57).? The first battle of healing and deliverance is to subdue sin. 死亡的毒勾就是罪(林前15:55~57);医治释放的头一场争战就是要制伏罪.
- On September 19th, 1777, during the Revolutionary War, American soldiers won the first Battle of Saratoga. 1777年7月19日;美国士兵在革命战争中赢得了萨拉托加的第一胜利.
- In the first battle of this period two divisions were disarmed and two divisional commanders were captured. 第一仗就把敌军两个师解除了武装,俘虏了两个师长。
- At the Battle of Falkirk(1298,said to be the first battle in which the longbow proved decisive,the troops of Edward I defeated the Scots.Population,37,800. 据说福尔柯克战役(1298年)第一次证明了长弓的决定性作用,爱德华一世军战败了苏格兰人。
- That is to say,even though victory is won in the first battle,if the battle harms rather than helps the campaign as a whole,such a victory can only be reckoned a defeat (as in the case of the battle of Hsunkou in the fifth campaign). 这就是说,即使初战打了一个胜仗,若这个仗不但不于全战役有利,反而有害时,则这个仗虽胜也只算败了(例如第五次“围剿”时的洵口战斗)。
- A burgh of central Scotland west of Edinburgh. At the Battle of Falkirk(1298),said to be the first battle in which the longbow proved decisive,the troops of Edward I defeated the Scots. Population,37,800. 苏格兰中部的一自治都市,在爱丁堡以西。据说福尔柯克战役(1298年)第一次证明了长弓的决定性作用,爱德华一世军战败了苏格兰人。人口37,800。
- A burgh of central Scotland west of Edinburgh. At the Battle of Falkirk(1298), said to be the first battle in which the longbow proved decisive, the troops of Edward I defeated the Scots. Population, 37, 800. 福尔柯克苏格兰中部的一自治都市,在爱丁堡以西。据说福尔柯克战役(1298年)第一次证明了长弓的决定性作用,爱德华一世军战败了苏格兰人。人口37,800
- That is to say, even though victory is won in the first battle, if the battle harms rather than helps the campaign as a whole, such a victory can only be reckoned a defeat (as in the case of the battle of Hsunkou in the fifth campaign). 这就是说,即使初战打了一个胜仗,若这个仗不但不于全战役有利,反而有害时,则这个仗虽胜也只算败了(例如第五次“围剿”时的洵口战斗)。
- Lateral entrance of cathedral of Cadiz - Andalusia. 加的斯教区总教堂图片 Cadiz cathedral.
- They died in the Battle of Waterloo. 他们战死于滑铁卢战役。
- A burgh of central Scotland west of Edinburgh. At the Battle of Falkirk(1298), said to be the first battle in which the longbow proved decisive, the troops of Edward I defeated the Scots. Population,37, 800. 福尔柯克苏格兰中部的一自治都市,在爱丁堡以西。据说福尔柯克战役(1298年)第一次证明了长弓的决定性作用,爱德华一世军战败了苏格兰人。人口37,800
- The site of the battle of Waterloo is in Belgium. 滑铁卢战役的遗址在比利时。
- These first battles of the American Revolution were fought at Concord and at Lexington, Massachusetts, on April 19,1775. 美国革命的初次战斗于1775年4月19日分别在麻萨诸塞的康科德和列克星敦进行。
- This painting depicts the Battle of Waterloo. 这幅画描绘了滑铁卢战役。
- The two often engage in a battle of words. 他俩总是唇枪舌剑的。
- Our army won victory in the first battle. 这个战役,我军旗开得胜。
- Vietnam War: Battle of Dak To begins. 越南战争:达喀图战役开始。
- Our troops won in the very first battle. 我军首战告捷。
- The battle of Sevastopol was costly for both sides. 塞瓦斯托波尔之战苏德两方付出了代价都是极高的。