- Oh, what a fine procession of exhibits! 哦,多么精美的展品啊!
- Quality steel is used in flat ironing roller, whose surface reaches mirror finish through fine processing. 熨平辊采用优质钢材,经过精细加工,表面达到镜面程度。
- From xxx silver jewelry, we feel a varied style and an artistic charm, both of which are integrated with fine processing techniques. 在xxx品牌中,我们感受到了经过精致工艺的银饰,被融入了多变的风格及艺术魅力。
- The factory undertakes intensive and fine processing work. You are welcome to place orders for processing your own materials. 本厂承接各类深加工、精加工产品,欢迎来料加工。
- Real data processing shows that interpretation using fine processing can result in a good geoelectric profile as compared with conventional technique. 实测资料处理表明:采用精细处理的方法来进行解释,与常规方法相比,得到了较好的地电剖面。
- Guangmo S has fine processing quality and appearance quality, good outcrossing characters, high combining ability and good resistances. 广茉S外观品质和加工品质优异,异交性状优良,配合力强,综合抗性较强。
- The rare earth metal-polymer complex with photoluminescence property not only has excellent luminous property, but also has fine processing behavior. 光致发光稀土-高分子配合物既具有优异的发光性能,又具有良好的成型加工性能,是一类新型荧光材料。
- Hie development of ceramic injection molding is presented in State Key Laboratory of New Ceramics and Fine Processing of Tsinghua University. 清华大学新型陶瓷与精细工艺国家重点实验室近十年一直致力于陶瓷注射成型的研究,本文将介绍我们在这一领域取得的进展。
- The versatile applications of lipase(including phosphalipase and lipoxygenase)in the modification and fine processing of oils were discussed in this paper. 论述了脂肪酶(包括磷脂酶,脂肪氧化酶)在油脂、脂肪酸改性和油脂深加工中的应用。
- Through forming famous brand, building research institute and making fine processing of the green Medicine, Wennan will be a famous town honored of Chinese Herbal Medicine. 着力打造绿色中草药品牌,成立中草药研究所,搞好中草药深加工,把汶南镇发展成一个远近文明的中草药基地。
- Qinghai abounds in multi-annual herbaceous plants,especialty bracken Qinghai's salted bracken is refreshingly green,fleshy and delicious because of fine processing. 青海蕨菜;自然生长.;加工精细;色泽碧绿;粗壮均匀;味道鲜美
- Advanced equipment , unique wearproof compounding , fine process and strict quality assurance system all ensure the property of its products far beyond the national standard . 先进的设备、独到的耐磨配方、精良的工艺、严格的质量保证体系,使产品性能远远高于国家标准。
- Stress can be the undoing of so many fine players. 紧张可能是这许多优秀选手失败的原因。
- Article 35 The State shall encourage and support coal mining enterprises and other enterprises to produce both coal and electricity,coking coal,coal chemicals and building materials made of coal and engage in deep and fine processing of coal. 第三十五条 国家提倡和支持煤矿企业和其他企业发展煤电联产、炼焦、煤化工、煤建材等,进行煤炭的深加工和精加工。
- Meanwhile, we are pursuing a number of developments in the nanotechnology field by integrating the above-mentioned composite material technology with precision forming technology, fine processing technology and analysis measurement technology. 我们还将融合上述复合材料技术,精密成形技术,微细加工技术以及解析和计量技术,在纳米领域开辟新纪元。
- The injection machinesare especially suitable for fine processing of ploastic products, with fast speed and high efficiency, safe for operaton and good in quality, It is and ideal choice for customers. 本注塑机特别合适精密的塑料制品加工,整机性能高速高效。操作安全,质量可靠,是用户的理想选择。
- Article 35 The State shall encourage and support coal mining enterprises and other enterprises to produce both coal and electricity, coking coal, coal chemicals and building materials made of coal and engage in deep and fine processing of coal. 第三十五条 国家提倡和支持煤矿企业和其他企业发展煤电联产、炼焦、煤化工、煤建材等,进行煤炭的深加工和精加工。
- The company was founded in 85 major pulp and paper products equipment, the full range and reliable quality, advanced technology fine processing technology, good pre-sale service, welcomed patrons. 本公司始建于85年主要产品造纸制浆设备;质量可靠品种齐全;有先进技术优良加工工艺;良好的售前售后服务;欢迎惠顾.
- The portrait shows fine effects of light and shade. 这幅肖像画的浓淡色调表现得很好。
- Crushing chamber adopts multistage crush process and finely processing principle, its feature is huge impact, high production efficiency and large crushing ability. 粉碎室采用多级破碎流程及细碎原理装置,其特点是工作冲击力大、生产效率高、细碎能力强。