- Fine Count Polyester Yarn 细特涤纶纱
- To discuss the soybean protein fiber long-staple cotton fine count polyester fiber fine count blended knitting yarn,spinning processing circulation was guaranteed according to material performance. 为了探讨大豆蛋白纤维、长绒棉及细特涤纶纤维细号混纺针织纱生产工艺,介绍了纤维的性能特点、纺纱工艺流程;
- Spinning and Property of Modal Fine Count Polyester Cashmere Blended Yarn Modal细特涤纶羊绒混纺纱的试纺及成纱性能
- Technology Optimizing of Spinning Fine Count Polyester with Domestic Blowing-carding Unit 国产清梳联纺细特涤纶工艺的优选
- Fine Count Polyester 细特涤纶
- Some products of cotton type SIRO yarn were introduced too,the SIRO ya rn could make its special effect in fine count light fabric. 还简要介绍了几种棉型赛络纱的产品,认为赛络纱用于细号轻薄织物更有利于发挥其特有的作用。
- In the practice,fine count yarn should use fewer,medium count yarn can use more,and coarse count yarn should concentrative use. 美棉质量大致可分为较好、一般、较差,在具体使用时,纺细号纱可少用,纺中号纱可适当多用,纺粗号纱可集中使用。
- The unit suits for drying woolen yarn, polyester yarn and pure cotton yarn cone yarn after dyeing and bleach. 本机适用于羊毛纱、涤纶线、及纯棉纱筒子纱线在染色或漂白后的烘干。
- We reached our goal to produce polyester yarn at competitive speed by using our new HPc texturing jet. 通过使用我们最新型的高性能喷嘴可以达到以最具竞争优势的速度生产涤纶地毯丝。
- Cinda yarn is a specialized in sales of chemical fiber polyester yarn of the Ministry of operation. 信达纱线是一家专门从事销售涤纶化纤纱的经营部。
- We want to buy Silk, Silk Fabric, Textile Accessories, Textile Agents, Yarn, Polyester Yarn, Raw Silk Yarn, Threads, Fancy Yarn, Polyester Yarn. 我们要采购丝绸,真丝织物,纺织器材,纺织,代理商,纱,聚酯纱,生丝纱,线程,花式纱线,涤纶纱线
- Silk, Silk Fabric, Textile Accessories, Textile Agents, Yarn, Polyester Yarn, Raw Silk Yarn, Threads, Fancy Yarn, Polyester Yarn. 采购产品丝绸,真丝织物,纺织器材,纺织,代理商,纱,聚酯纱,生丝纱,线程,花式纱线,涤纶纱线
- Is a major cotton production and processing to provide roving, spinning, spandex yarn and polyester yarn of private enterprises. 是一家主要提供生产加工纯棉粗纱、细纱、氨纶包芯纱和涤纶纱的民营企业。
- Spinning of Pure Cotton Super Fine Count Yarn 纯棉特细号纱的纺制
- RFL(resorcinol formaldehyde latex) dipped polyester yarn 1000d - 1500d (60tpm &80tpm) used in the production of hose pipe.... 查看“纺织、裘皮革、羽绒-库存纺织产品”:公司信息商品信息供应信息
- To research property of ST-KT solid acrylic size,sizing practice of ST-KT was done in fine count high density variety with Benninger sizing machine. 为了解ST-KT固体丙烯酸类浆料的性能,将ST-KT浆料用于细号高密品种,并在贝宁格浆纱机上进行了上浆实践。
- Technology design and production practice in spinning different denier and different length polyester yarn blended with viscose on cotton spinning system. 介绍了在棉纺设备上加工异旦、不等长涤/粘混纺仿毛织物用纱的工艺设计与实践。
- Style and property of fine count high density statin drill fabric, parameter and effect of size matching technology &sizing and weaving technology in production are introduced. 介绍了细号高密贡缎织物的织物风格和特点,生产过程中的浆纱配浆工艺、浆纱工艺及织造工艺的参数设置和织造效果。
- To enhance sizing quality of fine count high density double weft satin fabric,adjustment and optimization of warping processing,sizing formula,sizing processing were done. 为提高细号高密双纬缎纹织物的浆纱质量,对整经工艺、浆料配方、浆纱工艺进行了调整与优化。
- Therefore Model HJS300 cotton combing machine is a necessary facility in acquiring fine count blended yarn fabric and special-purpose yarn with mighty, little-down, lustrous resultant yarns. 因此HJS300型棉精梳机是获得成纱强力高、成纱羽绒少、光泽好的纺制高支纱,混纺织物及特种用途纱的必备设备。