- Films should be entertaining. 电影应该是有娱乐性的。
- an entertaining puppet show; films should be entertaining. 有趣的木偶剧;电影应该有趣。
- Undesirable film should be edited out. 所拍胶片中不合意的部分应该删去。
- The obscene part of the film should be censored. 影片中的淫秽部分应予删除。
- How about "American beauty"? That should be entertaining. 《美国丽人》怎么样?应该好看的。
- Dora: How about "American Beauty"? That should be entertaining. 朵拉:《美国丽人》怎么样?应该好看的。
- Yet the message of a short film should be incisive. 但短片的讯息一定要有力!
- The film should be a candidate for Oscars. 这部影片应该人围奥斯卡金像奖。
- The film should be soaked in the water after souping. 显影后的胶片应放在清水中浸泡。
- The sound track of a film should be synchronized with the action. 影片的音带必须与动作一致 [吻合] 。
- By rights, the film should be unadulterated garbage. 按理说,这部电影应该是纯粹的垃圾。
- Film should be developed in darkrooms to ensure their quality. 冲卷儿要到专业的冲印店,这样可以保证质量。
- The film should be very good as it is starring first-class actors. 这部新电影是一流演员主演的,估计拍得很好。
- Film should be kept clean, dust free, and handled only by the edges. 胶片应保持清洁,没有灰尘,用手只能拿胶片的边部。
- A good television show should be entertaining and should be enjoyed by nearly everyone in our family. Also, it should help us to understand what's right and wrong. 一个好的电视节目应该是娱乐性高,而且也能受到家中每一成员的喜爱;并且可帮助我们了解什麽是对的和错的。
- The subtleties of the shifting light entranced Mr Bergman, who decided that his whole film should be lit that way. 光照的细微变化让伯着迷,他决定让整部电影都笼罩在这种光照之中。
- Do these pictures come up to your idea of what science and education films should be? 这些影片符合你心目中科教片的标准吗?
- The length of a film should be directly related to the endurance of the human bladder. 一部电影长度应和人类膀胱持久力联系在一起。
- Education should be geared to the children's needs and abilities. 教育应适应儿童的需要和能力。
- "I shot the film in just 18 days,"he told Roger Ebert,"and I edited the final cut in only four days.That's how films should be made.That was perfect. "我只用了十八天来拍摄;"他和罗杰阿尔伯特说;"而且我剪辑它只花了四天.;电影就应该那样做