- Field Army Missiles 野战军导弹
- The Northwest Field Army went over to the offensive late in August. 西北野战军八月下旬转入反攻。
- The 22nd field army is a steady and brave people's army. 野战二十二军是一支毅勇的人民军队。
- The Second Field Army was weakened by the struggle in the Dabie Mountains. 经过大别山斗争,二野受到削弱。
- At that time our forces were the predecessors of the Second Field Army. 那时不叫二野,是二野的前身。
- This is a signal of the urgent urgency from Field Army Headquarters. 这里野战军首长拍来的十万火急的电报。
- We need the support of the field army when we are in field operations. 打仗的时候我们需要野战军的支持。
- Every soldiers in the field army is a hero who is not afraid of sacrifice. 野战军的战士个个是英雄,不惧牺牲。
- The Second Field Army fulfilled the quota alloted to it for its area and probably did slightly better. 就二野所在地区来说,完成了分配给自己的份额,也许还超过一点。
- Throughout the War of Liberation the Second Field Army stood in the forefront of the struggle against the enemy. 整个解放战争,从头到尾,二野都处在同敌人针锋相对斗争的最前面。
- The specific operational plan for the units of the Second Field Army is to be worked out by its commanders. 二野各兵团之具体作战部署,由二野首长另以详细命令规定之。
- This last was to establish military areas and sub-areas and to station one third of the units of our Field Army there. 军事政策就是坚决地拿出三分之一的野战部队地方化,搞军区、军分区。
- Most army troops are expected to serve as part of a field army at one time or another in their careers. 大多数陆军士兵在他们的军旅生涯中都会有一段时间在野战部队执行任务,也就是说,他们要随同部队进行机动。
- This applies to field armies, regional troops and people's militia. 不论野战军、地方军、民兵,都是如此。
- It was only after the fighting started that we began to form the Second Field Army, consisting of a few columns. 仗一打开,我们才开始真正形成野战军的格局,编成纵队。
- The Second Field Army is to cross the Yangtze from the section starting at Zongyang Town and extending to Wangjiang. 二野由枞阳镇(含)至望江段实行渡江。
- It was only after the fighting started that we began to form the Second Field Army,consisting of a few columns. 仗一打开,我们才开始真正形成野战军的格局,编成纵队。
- One of the characteristics of mobile warfare is fluidity, which not only permits but requires a field army to advance and to withdraw in great strides. (九三)运动战的特点之一,是其流动性,不但许可而且要求野战军的大踏步的前进和后退。
- The Huai-hai Campaign was a joint operation of the Second Field Army and the Third Field Army. 淮海战役是二野、三野联合作战
- It was mainly thanks to them that the Second Field Army grew into such a formidable combat force. 第二野战军所以能锻炼成这么样一个了不起的部队,主要靠的这一条。