- Field Armies Strategic Command 野战军战略司令部
- This applies to field armies, regional troops and people's militia. 不论野战军、地方军、民兵,都是如此。
- The number of armies, corps and divisions in each field army differed according to the concrete conditions in each big strategic area. 各野战军所属兵团、军、师的数目,依各大战略区具体情况而定。
- This is true of command in campaigns and strategic command as well as of command in battles. 战斗指挥如此,战役和战略指挥也是如此。
- He said that combining the two field armies would multiply their strength not just by two but several times over. 他说,两个野战军联合在一起,就不是增加一倍力量,而是增加好几倍的力量。
- This milestone paves the way for United States Strategic Command’s formal certification of the HEO-1 system next month. 这次成功为下个月美国战略司令部对HEO-1系统的正式确认铺平了道路。
- We organized the dispersed guerrilla units into field armies and accumulated a wealth of experience in military operations. 我们把分散的游击部队组成了野战军,积累了丰富的作战经验。
- That's why I say that the Second Field Army shouldered a heavy load in the strategic counteroffensive,or as I like to say,we passed the test. 所以说,战略反攻,二野挑的是重担,还是那句老话,叫做合格。
- Matters relating to tactics,techniques,communications and logistics of the campaign are to be decided by the two field armies themselves. 有关作战的战术、技术、通信联络、后勤工作诸事宜,由两野战军自行命令规定之。
- So,we are now in a position gradually to use our field armies in mobile fighting in a vast area,something which was impossible for us earlier. 于是,我们野战军才逐步抽出来作宽大机动作战。而前一个时期这样做是不可能的。
- Hence,as opposed both to absolute centralization and to absolute decentralization,the principle of command in guerrilla war should be centralized strategic command and decentralized command in campaigns and battles. 由此,游击战争的指挥原则,一方面反对绝对的集中主义,同时又反对绝对的分散主义,应该是战略的集中指挥和战役战斗的分散指挥。
- That's why I say that the Second Field Army shouldered a heavy load in the strategic counteroffensive, or as I like to say, we passed the test. 所以说,战略反攻,二野挑的是重担,还是那句老话,叫做合格。
- Since our field armies moved to exterior lines, they have suffered hardships, with troops in the Dabie Mountains, in particular, encountering many difficulties. 我们几个野战军出来以后,是吃了苦头的,特别是大别山的部队遇到了好多困难。
- Hence, as opposed both to absolute centralization and to absolute decentralization, the principle of command in guerrilla war should be centralized strategic command and decentralized command in campaigns and battles. 由此,游击战争的指挥原则,一方面反对绝对的集中主义,同时又反对绝对的分散主义,应该是战略的集中指挥和战役战斗的分散指挥。
- Matters relating to tactics, techniques, communications and logistics of the campaign are to be decided by the two field armies themselves. 庚、有关作战的战术、技术、通信联络、后勤工作诸事宜,由两野战军自行命令规定之。
- So, we are now in a position gradually to use our field armies in mobile fighting in a vast area, something which was impossible for us earlier. 于是,我们野战军才逐步抽出来作宽大机动作战。而前一个时期这样做是不可能的。
- Heavy Pike Militia are commoners of the wealthier sort who've been levied into local militias to defend their settlement or bulk up field armies. 重装长枪民兵来自参与过本地防御或外出作战的民兵,皆为富有平民。
- Guard Pikemen are commoners of the wealthier sort who've been levied into local militias to defend their settlement or bulk up field armies. 素质:民兵类型:后期专业部队长枪卫兵比平民富裕,他们被徵入地方民兵。
- United States Army Strategic Defense Command 美国陆军战略防御司令部
- The Northwest Field Army went over to the offensive late in August. 西北野战军八月下旬转入反攻。