- Ficus virensn. 绿黄葛树
- Review and Research Development of Ficus pumila L. 薜荔概述及研究进展。
- Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Ficus religiosa L. 菩提树的组织培养及快速繁殖。
- Study of the chemical constituents of radix of Ficus caric L. 无花果根化学成分研究。
- Tissue Culture of Stem Segment and Plantlet Regeneration of Ficus pumila L. 薜荔茎段的组织培养与植株再生技术。
- Outside the living area, a rattan chair is suspended from a ficus tree. 在起居区的外边,一把藤条椅悬挂在树上。
- New cultivated varieties of fig (Ficus) and privet (Ligustrum) in Taiwan. 台湾榕树与女贞之新栽培变种.
- The inhibition of extracts of Mentha arvensis L. and Euphorbia helioswpia L. to Ustilaginoidea virens was observed. 摘要分别用薄荷和泽漆提取液对稻曲病菌进行离体抑菌活性研究。
- An inflorescence with flowers borne on the walls of a capitulum, as in Ficus. 隐头花序 Hypanthodium 由着生于头状花序壁上的花组成的花序,如榕属的花序。
- The present study investigated the phenology of Ficus formosana Maxim. 摘要本研究探讨关刀溪森林生态系台湾榕物候适应性的表现。
- A marine food fish(Pollachius virens) of northern Atlantic waters, related to the cod. 青鳕,绿鳕一种海洋食用鱼(青鳕、蓝鳕或绿青鳕),产于北大西洋水域,和鳕鱼有亲缘关系
- The only victory comes from Ding Wei, he after cymbidium virens cup again gram Li Shishi. 唯一的胜利来自丁伟,他继春兰杯后再克李世石九段。
- Title: Preliminary Report on the Isolation Technique of Ustilagonoidea virens (Cooke) Tak. 关键词:稻曲病菌;分离技术;培养基;菌落;孢子
- A wild variety of Mediterranean fig(Ficus carica var. sylvestris) used in the caprification of certain edible figs. 野无花果一种地中海野生无花果(榕属无花果变种。野生无花果),用用于给某些可食无花果进行人工授粉
- Rice false smut (Vistilaginodea virens) is a sever disease in later rice growth stage, the pathogen invades rice when head sprouting and flowering. 稻曲病现已成为水稻后期主要病害,其发生危害程度主要与水稻生育期、气候、施肥水平、菌源量等因素有关。
- Drag onto the page to add a potted plant for patios or flower boxes, such as ficus, palm, or elephant ears. 拖到绘图页后,可以添加用于装饰天井或花坛的盆栽植物,如榕属类植物、棕榈或象耳果等。
- Lasse Viren of Finland fell midway through the 10,000m final, but rose and set a world record to win the first of his four career gold medals. 芬兰的韦伦在万米决赛进行到中段时还处于落后,但随后赶超最终创造了世界纪录并拿到了他职业生涯4枚奥运金牌的第一金。
- Any of numerous tropical trees, shrubs, or climbers of the genus Ficus, having pearlike multiple fruits. 榕属植物一种榕属的热带树木、灌木或攀缘植物,有许多梨状复果
- The extract from Aspidistra elationr and Chlorophytum comosum cv.Variegatum showed the remarkable restraint to Trichoderma virens, while the ones from Dracaena Sanderiana. 在植物叶片内含物抑菌作用测定中,蜘蛛抱蛋和银边吊兰对木霉的抑菌率达60%25以上,其余7种植物对木霉的生长无明显抑制作用;
- Anatomical Observation on Test-tube Seedling and Analysis of Transplant Survival Reason in Ficus carical L. 无花果试管苗解剖学观察及移栽成活原因分析。