- Fibre Channel is not a new technology. 光纤通道也不是一种新技术。
- Fibre Channel implementations are built on a five-layer model. 光纤通道的实现是建立在一个五层模型上。
- SATA storage sub-system connected through SCSI or fibre channel. 通过SCSI或光纤通道连接SATA存储子系统。
- Fibre Channel and ATM allow for these different classes of service. Fibre Channel和ATM允许有这些不同的服务种类。
- A switched fabric topology is the third Fibre Channel configuration. 交换拓扑结构是第三种光纤通道配置。
- Each member connects to the shared storage using SCSI or Fibre Channel. 每个成员都使用SCSI或光纤通道连接共享存储。
- Fibre Channel allows for physical distribution of storage across a business campus and beyond. 光纤通道允许存储实际分布到公司大院内外。
- Fibre Channel can be used in conjunction with existing LAN technologies such as Ethernet and ATM. 光纤通道可与现有的局域网技术(如以太网和ATM)一起使用。
- Using Fibre Channel interconnections, SANs deliver massive packets of data to the servers at gigabit speeds. 利用光纤通道互连,SAN以千兆位的速度把大量的数据包传送给服务器。
- With it users can link as many as 224 Fibre Channel ports in a cross-point switched system. 有了它用户可以在交叉点交换系统中链接多达224个光纤通道端口。
- This mix can include FDDI, ATM and IBM's Serial Storage Architecture, as well as Fibre Channel. 这种混合可以包括fddi、atm和ibm的“串行存储体系结构”,以及光纤通道。
- In a point-to-point setup,two -- and only two -- Fibre Channel devices are directly connected. 在点对点设置中,两个(且只有两个)光纤通道设备能直接连接。
- This mix can include FDDI,ATM and IBM's Serial Storage Architecture,as well as Fibre Channel. 这种混合可以包括FDDI、ATM和IBM的“串行存储体系结构”,以及光纤通道。
- Using fibre channel interconnections,SANs deliver massive packets of data to the servers at gigabit speeds. 利用光纤通道互连,SAN以千兆位的速度把大量的数据包传送给服务器。
- Fibre Channel products also let users easily add or remove storage components from the network without interrupting operations. 光纤通道也让用户很容易不中断运行而在网上增加或去掉存储部件。
- Fibre connections are SCSI devices that are hosted on a Fibre Channel bus, instead of on a SCSI bus. 光纤连接是驻留在光纤通道总线而不是SCSI总线上的SCSI设备。
- This requirement is met by SAN solutions that connect to Exchange servers through a local Fibre Channel connection. 通过本地光纤通道连接来连接到Exchange服务器的SAN解决方案正好可以满足这种要求。
- Your active and passive nodes access Exchange data stored in shared SCSI, Fibre Channel, or iSCSI arrays. 主动和被动节点将访问存储在共享SCSI、光纤通道或iSCSI阵列中的Exchange数据。
- The Fibre Channel architecture also defines three network design topologies: point to point, arbitrated loop and switched fabric. 光纤通道体系结构也定义三种网络设计拓扑结构:点对点、仲裁环和交换结构。
- However I know that hard disks who work there are high achievers, SCSI, or SCSI II, or Fibre Channel. 我常常想,当年在工厂里,如果我努力一下会不会也成了一个scsi,或者至少做一个笔记本硬盘。