- Arab Peace Plan adopted at the Fez Summit Conference 非斯首脑会议通过的《阿拉伯和平计划》
- Fez Summit Conference 非斯首脑会议
- The press conjectured that a summit conference would take place. 报界猜测将会召开最高级会议。
- The press conjecture that a summit conference will take place. 报界猜测将会召开最高级会议。
- The summit conference or summit meeting is held in Geneva. 高峰会议是在日内瓦举行的。
- The two countries agreed upon the peace formula at the summit conference. 两国在高峰会上就和平问题达成协议。
- Officials are laying the groundwork for a summit conference of world leaders. 官员们正在为世界首脑峰会做准备工作。
- All the big European questions were taken up by the summit conference at Geneva. 欧洲所有的重大问题都拿到在日内瓦召开的首脑会议上讨论。
- By sending their top people to meet our leaders at the summit conference,they really showed they meant business. 他们将自己的上层人物派来参加这一最高级会议并同我们的领导人会晤,真正表明了他们是说话算数的。
- The CIS Summit conference held on August 26, 2005 at Kazan was a turning point in the process of CIS development. 2005年8月26日举行的独联体喀山峰会是独联体发展进程中的一个转折点。
- He may personally participate in summit conferences. 他亲自参加首脑会议。
- By sending their top people to meet our leaders at the summit conference, they really showed they meant business. 在这次最高级会议上,他们派出了他们的首领同我们的领袖见面,这表明他们是郑重其事的。
- The final summit conference of the three wartime allies took place in a palace in the Berlin suburb of Potsdam. 三个战时盟国的最后一次首脑会议在柏林郊区的波茨坦举行。
- In 1972, the European Economic Community convened the head of the statement and the government of his member's country to hold a summit conference, which formally uncovered the prologue of the large-scale environmental protection. 1972年,欧共体召开成员国国家元首和政府首脑的高峰会议,正式揭开了大规模环境保护的序幕。
- The United Nations'former Secretary Gully on the Social Development World Summit Conference in Copenhagen in 1995 said that the contemporary world was suffering from social and moral crisis. 前联合国秘书长加利1995年在哥本哈根召开的社会发展世界首脑会议上曾指出:“当今世界正面临着社会和道德危机。”
- The talks are seen as a prelude to a summit conference scheduled for July.Japan's Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda attended Saturday's session, and called for immediate steps on global climate change. 此次会议是作为七月份的高级首脑会议的序幕.;日本首相福田康夫出席了周六的会议;呼吁全国气候改变要立即行动
- So, on the 20/4/2009, A China Auto Sport Summit conference was jointly organized by China's FASC (Motorsport Federation) and one of China's most important Auto Media group “BitAuto”. 故此,在20/4/2009,由中国汽车运动协会和中国一家大型的汽车媒体集团“易车”联合举办中国国际经济汽车运动峰会。
- an observer at a summit conference 高峰会议上的观察员
- It was a warm climb to the summit. 向顶峰攀登时身上都热起来了。
- Peace was the dominant theme of the conference. 和平是大会的首要议题。