- Fermat rs conjecture 费马猜想[推测]
- Don't conjecture about the outcome. 不要对结果妄加猜测。
- Fermat rs theorem 费马定理
- He didn't know the fact; what he said was pure conjecture. 他并不知道实情,他说的纯属猜测。
- Fermat rs principle 费马原理
- The rumor raised much conjecture. 谣言引起很多猜测。
- Fermat rs spiral 抛物螺线
- Fermat rs last theorem 费马最后定理
- Ulam rs conjecture 乌拉姆猜想
- I do not conjecture an immediate drop in demand. 我推测需求不会马上降低。
- An estimate based on conjecture. 瞎猜基于猜想而得出的判断
- This is evidence, not conjecture. 这是证据,而非推测假想。
- The expedition suffered all the rigo(u)rs of a Canadian winter. 这支探险队饱受了加拿大严冬的折磨。
- We could't conjecture the fact from what he said. 我们从他的话中还推测不出真实情况。
- Fermat rs problem 费马问题
- Aizerman rs conjecture 艾杰尔曼猜想
- She felt it no use to conjecture his motives. 她觉得猜想他的动机是没有用的。
- Her conjecture that the election would be a landslide proved to be true. 她关於选举会大获全胜的推测证明是正确的。
- No conjecture can be offered on the subject. 关于这个问题不可臆测。
- The rumour raised a storm of conjecture. 这谣言引起了一阵猜测。