- Feltman Research Laboratory 费尔特曼研究实验室
- Media visit to the Food Research Laboratory. 传媒参观本署食物研究化验所。
- This is our new research laboratory. 这是我们新的研究实验室。
- Feltman Research and Engineering Laboratory 费尔特曼研究与工程实验室
- IBM picked up three, two from its Zurich Research Laboratory alone. IBM曾摘得3项,仅其苏黎世研究实验室一家就占其中两项。
- The new product has been developed in the firm's research laboratory. 研究在实验室进行。
- The research laboratory is the natural training ground in experimental physics. 对于实验物理来说,研究实验室才是理所当然的训练场所。
- Alan was promoted to Director of the Western Research Laboratory in 1999. 1999年,Alan升任西方研究实验室(Western Research Laboratory,WRL)董事。
- BTRL British Telecom Research Laboratories. 英国电信公司研究实验室。
- Science Technical Research Laboratories of NHK. 放送技术研究所。
- And in the research laboratory, the laser will give us a new understanding of the fundamental nature of matter. 而在研究实验室中,激光将使我们对物质的本性得到新的认识。
- These ideas had actually been pioneered in a research laboratory by Xerox, down in Palo Alto in the 70's. 现在,实际上被有的这些主意在一间研究实验室中被提倡被影印,在70年代内在Palo次高音中下。
- These people set up a lab called the Great Lakes Environ-mental Research laboratory. 这些人建立了一个五大湖环境调查研究实验室。
- My section at the Admiralty Research Laboratory was run superbly by Stephen Butterworth. 我所在的海军部研究实验室的那个组由斯蒂芬?巴特沃思出色的领导着。
- The IBM Zurich Research Laboratory has netted Nobel Prizes for the creation of the scanning tunneling microscope and high-temperature superconductivity. IBM苏黎士研究实验室曾以扫描穿隧显微镜与高温超导荣获诺贝尔奖,也是网路软硬体的开发重镇。
- Garbrecht J,Martz L W,TOPAZ overview[R].Oklahoma:USDA ARS,Grazinglands Research Laboratory,1999,1-22. 李铁键;王光谦;刘家宏.;数字流域河网编码方法[J]
- In September 1955, the Naval Research Laboratory's Vanguard proposal was chosen to represent the U.S. during the IGY. 1955年9月,美国海军研究实验室的先锋提案被选为代表美国在卵黄。
- Epilepsy Research Laboratory, A. I. Virtanen Institute for Molecular Sciences, University of Kuopio, Finland. 青岛大学,医学院,药理教研室,山东,青岛,266021
- Webster, F. V., Traffic Signal Settings, Road Research Laboratory Technical Paper 39,Her Majesty's Stationary, 1958. 胡顺章,高速公路双车道路段变换车道行为之研究,淡江大学土木工程研究所硕士论文,民国八十三年六月。
- NUMA has been floating around in research laboratories for years. NUMA在研究实验室中已存在多年。