- Felis lynx Linnaeus 猞猁
- The identification of bonds of Panthera pardus L.,Felis lynx L.and Felis temminchi Vigors et Hors was studied. These results provided a reference for the later identification. 对豹及其伪品猞猁和原猫的主要骨骼性状进行了比较研究,供鉴别时参考.
- Current Status and Protection of Felis Lynx Population in the Northeast of China 东北地区猞猁种群现状及其保护
- Piedmont region of Qilian Mountain: main species are Panthera uncia, Felis lynx and Ovis ammon; 祁连山前山地区;
- Felis lynx 猞猁
- A forest full of lynx would certainly be a start. 一片山猫遍迹的森林必将是个开始。
- Oil of spearmint ({Mentha} {Spicata} {Linnaeus}). 标准/规范英文名: Essentail oils.
- Could I take a look at that iron set? Is it Lynx? 我可不可以看一看铁杆?这是 lynx 牌吗?
- Lynx is a nationally protected animal. 猞猁是受国家保护的动物。
- Welcom to Quwo Middle School,I am the master,Lynx. 欢迎来到曲沃中学,我是站长,永泽。
- Albino lynx, and it's notas warm as it might seem. 白化猞猁毛。其实它没有看上去那么暖。
- Felis catus has had a very long relationship with humans. 家猫和人类的关系也已经有很长的历史了。
- Linnaeus declared that each species had existed since creation. 林奈宣称,自从神造万物以后,这些物种就一直存在。
- Mirabilis jalapa Linnaeus is a perennial herb of Nyctaginaceae. 摘要紫茉莉是紫茉莉科的一种多年生草本植物。
- Oil of cedarwood, virginia. ({Juniperus} {virginiana} {Linnaeus}). 标准/规范英文名: Essential oils.
- But forget that for the pumas and lynx at the Queens Zoo. 而皇后动物园的美洲狮和猞猁却完全不吃这一套。
- A wild cat(Lynx rufus) of North America, having spotted reddish-brown fur, tufted ears, and a short tail. 红猫,北美大山猫北美洲野猫(北美大山猫), 皮毛有红褐色斑点,有簇生眼,尾短
- As you sat quietly without movement, a bob cat, a lynx, came down. 你安静地坐着不动,这时,一只山猫,或者说猞猁,走了下来。
- Jerome:Oh, my sweet heart, let's hunt the Lynx together! 哦我可爱的弟弟,那我们一起去杀山猫!
- Used the LynX graphical interfaces, tinitialize ramble scene. 4.在LynX图形界面内,初始化漫游场景。