- Favites pentagonan. 五边角蜂巢珊瑚
- A scale-eating galle midge (Lestodiplosis pentagona Jiang ,nov. sp. ) was tound for the first time in Sichnan province. 对桑盾蚧盗瘿蚊(Lestodiplosis pentagona Jiang nov.;sp
- Conclusion Favites implant inlay after horizontal osteotomy is one of the ideal methods for microgenia. 结论水平截骨后采用天然角蜂巢珊瑚石人工骨嵌入植骨是矫正小颏畸形的可取方法之一。
- Title: Influences of humidity and photoperiod on population growth of Pseudaulacapis pentagona (Targioni-Tozzetti). 关键词:桑白盾蚧,种群生长,湿度,光照
- Methods\ The Hainan Favites implant,as a bone graft substitute was inlaid to the fragments after horizontal osteotomy on 16 patients suffering from microgenia. 方法16例小颏畸形,采用嵌入植骨的方式将海南岛角蜂巢珊瑚石人工骨置入颏部水平截骨后的骨断面之间,观察分析其临床效果。
- As they published in the journal Science, they found that dodder seedlings of the Cuscuta pentagona species can target a tomato plant and grow towards it 80 percent of the time. 他们发现一种五角菟丝子的秧苗会把番茄秧苗作为目标,在80%25的时间里都在朝着番茄的方向生长。
- Pseudaulacaspic pentagona Targioni-Tozzetti 桑白蚧
- Pseudaulacaspis pentagona (Targioni) 桑白盾蚧
- Pseudaulacuspis pentagona Targioni 桑白蚧
- Pseudoaulacaspis pentagona Targioni-tozzetti 桃桑白蚧
- Favites halicoran. 海孔角蜂巢珊瑚
- Favitesn. 角蜂巢珊瑚属
- Favites abditan. 秘密角蜂巢珊瑚
- Favites flexuosan. 多弯角蜂巢珊瑚
- sang pentagona 桑白蚧
- Dictyocha fibula var. pentagonan. 小等刺硅鞭藻五角变种
- Ilex pentagonan. 五棱苦丁茶
- Pedicularis pentagonan. 五角马先蒿