- Two series of fatigue crack growth rate (FCGR) tests using three point bend specimen with different integral knife edge designs are performed. Effect of elastic modulus on the measurement of fatigue crack length using compliance technique is analyzed. 用不同整体刀口设计的三点弯曲SE(B)试样做了两组疲劳裂纹扩展速率 (FCGR)试验 ,分析了弹性模量在柔度法测量疲劳裂纹长度中的影响。
- Effect of Elastic Modulus on Fatigue Crack Length Measurement by Using Compliance Technique 弹性模量在用柔度法测量疲劳裂纹长度中的影响
- Application of Compliance Expressions for Measuring Fatigue Crack Length By COD Techniques 柔度方程在COD法测量疲劳裂纹长度中的应用
- Fatigue crack length 疲劳裂纹长度
- That is, the load is dropped off in the proportion to the crack length. 这就是说,载荷随裂纹长度的增加而按比例地下降。
- The flaking do increases and undulates the fatigue crack growth rate. 钢中的白点能增加疲劳扩展速率并使扩展速率发生波动。
- The fractography of the fatigue crack initiation displayed cleavage f... 裂纹形成的断裂为穿晶解理机制,预应变可导致更多的二次裂纹。
- The natural frequency of specimen decreases as the crack length increases. 随着裂纹长度的增加,试样的固有频率逐渐减小。
- No evidence of fatigue crack extension was detected in the silver Memorial Bridge nor the Fremont Bridge. 在西尔费纪念桥和弗里蒙特桥都没有检查出疲劳裂纹扩展的证据。
- The smaller the curvature and the larger the crack length the smaller will be the fracture stress. 曲线半径越小,裂纹长度越大,断裂应力也就越低。
- N. Shlyannikov, Z.B. Kuang, F.P. Yang (2004), Surface fatigue crack growth behavior, Russian journal Power Engineering Problems. 杨凤鹏,林卓英(2004),表面裂纹疲劳扩展的试验,北京科技大学学报.
- Fracture energy and crack length, as two imperative parameters of aggregates, can't be measured by usual methods. 摘要断裂能和断裂区长度作为骨料的重要参数无法通过常规方法进行检测。
- The behaviours of fracture, fatigue and fatigue crack propagation in a cast magnesium alloy are systematically studied. 本文系统地研究了铸造镁合金的断裂;疲劳和疲劳裂纹扩展性能.
- The failure forms of cold work roll including contact fatigue crack, spalling, inclusion crack and wear are discussed. 讨论了冷轧工作辊接触疲劳裂纹、剥落、夹杂物裂纹和磨损等失效形式。
- The fatigue life of the bonded plates is 2.06 times relative to that of the cracked one. The critical crack length of plate increases from 17.86mm to 28.64mm before and after adhesively bonded repair with composite patch. 裂纹板的临界裂纹长度从17.;86 mm增加到28
- The fatigue crack growth rate (FCGR) of 4130X steel in H2S environment is researched in this paper. 研究了4130X钢在硫化氢(H2S)腐蚀介质中的疲劳裂纹扩展速率da/dN。
- In this paper, ALGOL computer program of data reduction techniques, for fatigue crack growth test is described. 本文叙述了疲劳裂纹扩展速率试验数据处理的ALGOL计算程序。
- The effects of impact energy on the front surface dent depth,back surface resin crack length,damage area and residual compressive strength were studied. 讨论了表面凹坑深度、背面基体裂纹长度、损伤面积以及剩余压缩强度与冲击能量的关系。
- SEM and Microzone Phase Structure Analysis (MPSA) help to describe the process of fatigue crack growth of the steel. 用SEM和微区相结构测试技术分析了中锰铸钢在疲劳裂纹扩展过程中的行为特点。
- The research results sho w that the fatigue life has been im provedgreatly and the fatigue crack gro ... 结果表明:激光冲击处理后,铝合金疲劳寿命显著提高、疲劳裂纹扩展速率大大降低。