- Now he was far down the bazaar, riding furiously. 此时他已经飞也似地骑到远远的集市区去了。
- So that we would not see too far down the road. 就是为了不让我们看到远方的路。
- The sun's far down the sky, Lorena . 太阳远在天边,罗琳娜。
- SOBEL: How far up, how far down? 山有多高,路有多长?
- I could see the river far down below. 我可以看到下方远处的河流。
- The trains are all to today because of a derailment farther down the line. 今天的火车混乱不堪,因为前面有一列火车出轨了。
- If the rose plant is too low and you've dug too far down, then you need to add some dirt back into the hole. 如果玫瑰种植过低您挖太远了,那么你需要补充一些泥土带回洞。
- Farthest down; lowest. 最下方的最下面的; 最低处的
- I am going further down the river to look for food. 我会继续沿河寻找食物。
- The cinema is farther down the road than I think. 电影院在路的另一端, 比我原来想的还远。
- The cinema is farther down the road than I thought. 电影院在路的另一端,比我原来想的还远。
- The hospital is further down the road. 沿这条路走下去就是医院。
- Jim lives further down the road than Duncan. 吉姆比邓肯住在这条街更远的地方。
- Maybe we'll meet again further down the river. 也许我们会再次相遇在银河的远方。
- The house is farther down the road. 这个房子远离马路。
- Farther down, as along a slope or valley. 远在下方,如沿一斜面或山谷。
- They drag one another always farther down. 这些人相互拽着往下沈,愈陷愈深。
- The path opens out a little farther down the road. 这条小径延伸到比这条路更远一点的地方。
- This is farther down the road toward neoplasia. 这是进一步向肿瘤形成的途径。
- Far down the bay a string of ducks went by, etched against the sunrise. 海湾远处一群野鸭正在日出的衬托下飞过。