- Moreover, it is the most famous brand in China. 而且还是中 国最著名的品牌。
- Moreover,it is the most famous brand in China. 而且还是中 国最著名的品牌。
- I think so. But he told me that image is a famous brand in China. 我也是这么想的,可他告诉我说这是中国的名牌儿梳子。
- And “Erdos” is a very popular-known famous brand in China. “鄂尔多斯”是中国家誉户晓的驰名商标。
- Our tin ingot brand was titled as a famous brand in China and the trademark “YT” has been registered in LME. 锡锭荣获中国名牌商标,“YT”商标在伦敦金属交易所注册。
- To enable the "Golden Grid Cellon" can become a famous brand in China and worldwide, Stringer Cellon to the indomitable spirit of people to accept the baptism of the market storm, and Sharpen. 为使“金格赛龙”能够成为中国乃至世界性的名牌,金格赛龙人以不屈不挠的精神接受着市场风雨的洗礼和磨砺。
- Since 1986, Unilever has successfully launched its famous brands in China market such as LUX, HAZELINE, POND'S, OMO, SIGNAL, ZHONGHUA and WALL'S. 在中国,联合利华已成功建立起为广大消费者所熟知的家庭和个人护理用品品牌,如力士、夏士莲、旁氏、奥妙、洁诺、中华等,以及知名的冰淇凌品牌和路雪。
- APG brake system was horned China Famous Brand Products in China. 亚太股份的汽车制动系统为中国名牌产品。
- Longjing (or Dragon Well) is a famous brand of tea in China. 龙井是我国的名茶。
- Dove@ . That's a well-known brand in China. “德芙”,是中国的著名品牌。
- They are the famous brands in the world. 它们是全世界最著名的商标。不完全比较;如
- Do you want to expand your brand in China? 你想在中国拓展你的品牌吗?
- Trustable Brand in China, and Reliable Brand of China. 得过重点品牌”、“中国消费者放心产品信誉品牌”。
- EMMET Tools is one of most famous brand in EMMET International Group America . EMMET(埃米顿)工具是美国埃米顿国际集团的主要品牌之一。
- Our car air refresher oxygen bar awarded the "famous Brand in China Consuming Market" 其中车载空气清新氧吧产品荣获:“中国消费市场知名品牌”。
- Dalian Winyong Electronic A/C Engineering Co.,Ltd have been the China distributor of Danfoss for more than 14 years, which is a very famous brand in Demark. 大连弘润电子冷气工程有限公司被丹麦著名的丹佛斯公司授权为中国地区代理商已超过十四年的时间。
- Puma is the most famous brand in the world.Puma chaussure is a series of professional running shoes. 八.;空间大小虚拟主机的空间容量是考核虚拟主机性能的一个重要指标。
- With many years of development, Nature has already become the famous brand in the flooring industry. 经过多年发展,"大自然"已经成为行业内知名品牌。
- Famous brand in a sense says to had been most person ripe cicada, style of the concept of stylist, design also was accepted by most person. 名牌在某种意义上说已经为多数人熟知了,设计师的理念、设计风格也被大多数人接受了。
- It is well-known in China for the famous brand of Beijing Royal Jelly, but is now becoming increasingly popular in the West. 在中国,著名品牌北京蜂王浆很有名气,目前在西方也越来越受人欢迎。