- Falling Weight Deflectometcr 落锤式弯沉仪
- The presence of Falling Weight Deflectometer meets this need. 落锤式弯沉仪的出现适应了这一需求。
- The falling weight deflectometer (FWD) is used to evaluate the effectiveness of the impact compactor. 摘要将落锤式弯沉仪(FWD)成功地用于路基冲击压实效果的检验。
- To forge or stamp(a metal)between dies by the force of a falling weight such as a drop hammer. 落锻借落下重量(如落锤)的力锻造冲压模具间的金属
- Test Method for Impact Resistance of Rigid Plastic Sheeting or Parts by Means of a Tup (Falling Weight) (08. 用撞锤(降落重量)测定硬质多孔塑料薄板或部件的耐冲击性的试验方法(08。
- And so they proceeded to invent the verge-and-foliot escapement, using a falling weight as with its Greek antecedents. 于是他们利用希腊早就使用的重锤着手发明了立轴横杆式擒纵机构。
- To forge or stamp(a metal) between dies by the force of a falling weight such as a drop hammer. 落锻借落下重量(如落锤)的力锻造冲压模具间的金属
- Ollc tholen.Comparison of Falling Weight Deflectormeter With Other Deflectction Testing Devices.R.R. 沙庆林.;观测试验资料的数学加工法
- A method to backcalculate the layer moduli of pavements is proposed in the paper; the data are measured by the falling weight deflectometer(FWD)tests. 根据落锤式弯沉仪 (FWD)的弯沉盆动态数据 ,在系统识别方法的原理基础上提出了加速收敛的方法。
- The technology of pavement moduli back-calculation is developed along with the appearing of falling weight deflectometer (FWD). 而路面模量反演技术是伴随着FWD的出现而发展起来的。
- See chart 1a, the extractor puller is composed of falling weight, falling shaft and two joints. (Another joint in chart 1a is used to disassemble the fuel injector bushing). 如图1a,拨出器是由冲锤、冲杆和两个接头组成。(图1a中另一接头是用于拆卸喷油器衬套之用)。
- JI Yigong,WANG Fuming,GUO Zhongyin.Backcalculation for layer moduli of pavements based on falling weight deflectometer tests[J].China Civil Engineering Journal,2002,35(3):34. [5]姬亦工;王复明;郭忠印.;基于落锤式弯沉仪动态数据的路面模量反算方法[J]
- A dynamic infinite element method was adopted to calculate and analyze the dynamic response of flexible pavement under Falling Weight Deflector (FWD) load. 摘要采用动力有限元方法,计算并分析了柔性路面结构在FWD荷载作用下的动力响应特性;
- This article introduces the automated controls,which is the core part of the falling weight deflectometer test system,and how to design the automated controls using ARM S3C44B0X. 本文介绍了落锤式弯沉仪测试系统的核心部分自动控制装置,以及如何用32机S3C44B0X来实现自动控制装置的功能。
- The research of prediction for asphalt pavement service life, using fall weight deflectometer(FWD) multi-load deflection basin data, has been existing abroad, but nobody do the job in china. 使用落锤式弯沉仪(FWD)弯沉盆参数来预测高等级沥青路面使用寿命,国外已有研究,而国内则还没人进行这方面的研究。
- He has a knack of falling out with everyone. 他有个怪癖,总是和每个人吵架。
- Therefore practical and versatile analysis access is established for the Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) on evaluation of capacity of pavement (subgrade,rigid pavement,flexible pavement and composed pavement) and foundation of structures. 从而为进一步深入研究落锤式弯沉仪 (FWD)在各种路基、路面 (刚性路面 ;柔性路面和复合式路面 )以及建筑物地基的结构承载能力评价提供基础 .
- The chair sagged down under the fat man's weight. 椅子经这胖人一坐便压弯了。
- She was hit by a piece of falling masonry. 她被建筑物上落下的一块石头砸着了。
- Nondestuctive deflection testing using falling weight deflectometers (FWDs) is a effective tool to evaluate road condition, accurate FWD deflection data are key to the success of structural capacity study. FWD无破损弯沉测试技术是评价道路状况的有效工具,FWD弯沉数据的准确性是结构承载力研究的关键。