- The fake and shoddy goods gave rise to the consumers'complaints. 假冒伪劣商品引起了消费者的投诉。
- The fake and shoddy goods gave rise to the consumers complaints. 假冒伪劣商品引起了 消费者的投诉.
- At the same time, fake and shoddy, fraud, substandard quality of products, such as wrongful act firmly against. 同时,对假冒伪劣、欺诈、产品质量不合格等不法行为坚决进行打击。
- On October 16 about 10:00 pm, carries the fake and shoddy cigarette's freight vehicle to drive into Haicheng some to abandon in the workshop. 10月16日晚10时许,载有假冒伪劣香烟的货车驶入海城市某废弃厂房内。
- Last week, China announced a five-year plan to address "illegal activities behind the production and sale of fake and shoddy foods and pharmaceuticals. 上周,中国出台一份五年计划旨在打击“生产销售伪劣食物药品的非法活动”。
- Since the operation of the system, to combat curb fake and shoddy, purge the market environment has played a tremendous role. 该系统自运行以来,为打击遏制假冒伪劣,整肃市场环境发挥了巨大的作用。
- In public statements made on the same day, EU Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson criticized in China, Europe, said 80% of fake and shoddy products from China. 在当日的公开发言中,欧盟贸易委员曼德尔森抨击中国制造,说欧洲80%25的假冒伪劣产品都来自中国。
- We achieved initial success in overhauling and regulating market order. We dealt powerful blows to criminals engaging in illegal economic activities by investigating and prosecuting over 1.2 million cases of producing and marketing fake and shoddy goods. 整顿和规范市场经济秩序取得阶段性成果,仅对制假售假违法活动立案查处的就达120多万起,有力地打击了经济领域的违法犯罪分子。
- We dealt powerful Blows to criminals engaging in illegal economic activities by investigating and prosecuting over 1.2 million cases of producing and marketing fake and shoddy goods. 仅对制假售假违法活动立案查处的就达120多万起,有力地打击了经济领域的违法犯罪分子
- Many people holding "No good goods cheaper," the point of view, it's clear that high-quality and inexpensive goods, free of charge if you give him, he may suspect that you are fake and shoddy. 许多人都认为;''好货不便宜''.;所以很明显;对于质量好而不太贵的商品;如果你免费给他;他便会怀疑你的商品是不是假冒伪劣的
- Third, some combination of rural and urban factories, houses, storage rental, business premises and often become If the arcade has fake and shoddy goods, materials harbouring positions. 三是一些城乡结合部的厂房、民房、仓库出租地,往往成为无证照经营活动场所和假冒伪劣商品、物资的窝藏据点。
- Production and marketing of fake and shoddy goods 生产和销售假冒伪劣产品
- Economic Analysis on Fake and Shoddy Products 假冒伪劣产品的经济学分析
- Counterfeit and shoddy products; fake and shoddy goods 假球,黑哨
- Joining WTO and Cracking down Fake and Shoddy Products 入世与打假
- But that was all so fake and pretend. 但这都是多么的虚伪和假装。
- I think the skin is fake and is leatheroid! 我看皮都是假的人造革!
- There are fake and real in life, yet love is the everlasting truth. 任凭人生是真是假,用爱相待却是永远的事实。
- Police speeded up to fight against fake and inferior goods. 警方加快打假步伐。
- What shall we do when we purchased fake and inferior seeds? 购买了假劣种子怎么办?