- Facial palsy as birth trauma 面神经麻痹由于产伤
- Erb-Duchenne palsy as birth trauma Erb-Duchenne麻痹由于产伤
- Erb's palsy as birth trauma Erb麻痹由于产伤
- Brachial palsy as birth trauma 臂丛麻痹(由于产伤)
- Facial nerve injury as birth trauma 面神经损伤由于产伤
- Fracture of skull as birth trauma 颅骨骨折由于产伤
- Rupture of liver as birth trauma 肝破裂由于产伤
- Rupture of spleen as birth trauma 脾破裂由于产伤
- The average of ARL of 50 young adults who had normal hearing and no past history of facial palsy was used as a normal standard. 在实际的做法上,先以50例未曾有颜面神经麻痹病史听力正常的年轻男女作检查,求得正常的平均值,并设定一个标准差之内为正常值。
- Hematoma of testis as birth trauma 睾丸血肿由于产伤
- Hematoma of vulva as birth trauma 外阴血肿由于产伤
- Cranial nerve injury as birth trauma 脑神经损伤(由于产伤)
- Local subdural hematoma as birth trauma 局部硬膜下血肿由于产伤
- Injury to brachial plexus as birth trauma 臂丛损伤由于产伤
- Fracture of clavicle as birth trauma 锁骨骨折由于产伤
- If it occurs in the brain, the child may develop cerebral palsy as well. 如果皮下出血发生在大脑,孩子也可能罹患大脑性麻痹。
- Subcapsular hematoma of liver as birth trauma 肝包膜下血肿由于产伤
- Peripheral nerve injury as birth trauma 周围神经损伤由于产伤
- From August 1985 through February 1991, 36 patients with traumatic facial palsy underwent transmastoid decompression of the facial nerve at CGMH. 本文讨论其术前检查、伴随症状、听力及术后评估和术中发现。
- Traffic accident is a common casuse of temporal bone fracture which might result in traumatic facial palsy. 摘要外伤性面神经麻痹多由车祸撞击头部造成,多伴有颞骨骨折之情形,且多发于20至30岁之年龄层。