- Feinstein also spoke on Face the Nation. 这次辩论将在田纳西州的那什维尔举行。
- Let's face the national flag and offer a gift. 对着国旗敬个礼。
- The government can weld the nation together to face the difficulties ahead. 政府能把全国人民团结在一起,面对前面的困难。
- Goolsbee was speaking on the CBS program Face the Nation. 在cbs(哥伦比亚广播公司)节目“面向美国”中说发表了这番话。
- Only firm action by the government can weld the nation together to face the troubles ahead. 只有政府的坚决行动才能使国家紧密地团结在一起,共同对付面临的困难。
- Speaking on the CBS program Face The Nation, Corker rejected any suggestion that Republicans are being obstructionist. 考克在哥伦比亚广播公司的“面向全国”的电视节目上驳斥了所谓共和党人在蓄意阻挠的说法。
- An O. economic advisor, former Treasury Secretary R.R., spoke on CBS' Face the Nation program. 的经济顾问,前财政部长R.;R
- Rendell, a top Clinton supporter, appeared on the CBS network news program Face the Nation. 伦德尔是克林顿的一名高级别支持者。
- An Obama economic advisor, former Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin, spoke on CBS' Face the Nation program. 奥巴马一个经济顾问,前财政部长罗伯特罗宾,在CBS的面对民族节目中讲话。
- Put the statue so that the front face the light. 把雕像摆好,让正面向着光。
- On Sunday, on the CBS program "Face the Nation", Education Secretary Arne Duncan said 30% of students do not graduate from high school. 本周日,在CBS“面向全国”的节目当中,美国教育部部长阿恩邓肯指出有30%25的学生未能从高中毕业。
- He succeeded in arousing the nation's sympathy. 他已经激发了全民的同情。
- On the CBS broadcast Face the Nation, he said he would put in place a unity government, bringing in Democrats and independents at the highest levels. 在哥伦比广播公司的"面向全国%25节目中,他说,他将建立一个团结政府--让民主党人和独立人士担任政府中最高级别的职务。
- In doing so, he did a great service to the nation. 通过这样做,他给国家做了一件大好事。
- The nation levied all able-bodied man for the war. 国家征召所有壮丁参战。
- I advise you to tell your father what happened and face the music. 我建议他把发生的事情告诉你父亲。并且勇敢地面对事实。
- The dressmaker faced the cuffs with velvet. 裁缝用天鹅绒给袖口镶边。
- Canadians, the Liberal Leader argued, deserve intelligent discussion of the issues that face the nation, and not the shallow twaddle that he implied his opponents were flinging. 自由党领导人辩论道,加拿大人应该听到明智的讨论而不是浅薄的废话,其言下之意是他的对手废话连篇。
- He knew the pulse of the nation. 他了解国民的心态。
- The nation was kept in subjection. 这个民族已经沦为附庸。