- Widely Tunable Febry-Perot Etalon Filter[J]. 引用该论文 刘晓明;张敏明;刘德明.
- Diego Fabri was born in Mendoza, Argentina. 蒂亚哥出生在阿根廷的一个城市门多萨。
- Study on Dispersion Compensator Based on F-P Etalon[J]. 引用该论文 李玢;柯昌剑;刘德明.
- High Precision Measurement of F-P Etalon Spacing[J]. 引用该论文 王秀琳;黄文财;谢建平.
- mode selection by Fabry Perot etalon 法布里-珀罗标准具选模
- To establish a method to diagnose Anderson fabry preclinically at gene level. 5 建立一种在基因水平上对Anderson Fabry患者进行临床前期诊断的方法。
- A novel method of F-P etalon perpendicularity adjusting was introduced as well. 提出了一种新颖的入射光与F-P标准具垂直的精确调节方法。
- Optimization of etalon parameters in direct detection Doppler wind lidar[J]. 引用该论文 夏海云;孙东松;沈法华;董晶晶.
- Spectrum Method of F-P Etalon Spacing High Precision Measurement[J]. 引用该论文 黄文财;谢建平;吕亮;陈曦曜;明海;鲁拥华;王安廷.
- Temporal Response of Fabry-Perot Etalon Filters to Short Optical Pulses[J]. 引用该论文 吴正茂;夏光琼;陈建国;卢玉村.
- An optic fiber Fabry Perot strain sensor system based on tunable Fabry Perot[J]. 引用该论文 孙吉勇;陈伟民;朱永;黄尚廉.
- It is being used more and more wildly because of its preeminent capabilities.In the other hand, different fabri... 好的增强结构不仅能承受多种载荷,同时也有助于在加工中稳定几何构造,因此研究开发新型增强体结构的必要性十分重要。
- Colorless operation can still be obtained since the same etalon can be used to enhance multiple wavelength channels. 并且仍然可以保持无色光源的操作,并且同一法布里-比洛析光器可以用来补偿多个雷射通道。
- The principle and new methed of chemically eliminating stink in processing fabri c at present are introduced. 介绍纤维化学消臭加工的机理及目前化学消臭加工纤维的新方法。
- Illumination effects on the dual Fabry-Perot etalon based Doppler wind lidar[J]. 引用该论文 夏海云;孙东松;董晶晶;沈法华.
- Series Reel Wrapper is a machine designed for packing rolls of paper, film, dipped tire cord fabri... 发布者:张立超所在地:山东济南市行业:机械及行业设备职位:外销员工作年限:三年以上
- In the research, it is found that etalon effect is also a reason for experiment error. 在研究中,发现了标准具效应也是造成实验误差的一个原因。
- Application and analysis of the dual Fabry-Perot etalon in a direct detection wind lidar[J]. 引用该论文 迟如利;刘东;钟志庆;孙东松;周军;胡欢陵.
- The temporal response of a Fabry-Perot etalon filter to the short optical pulses has been studied. 系统地研究了法布里-珀罗标准具滤波器对超短光脉冲的时间响应。
- This paper made a study on the life cycle of Bashania fabri, which is staple food for Ailuropoda melanoleuca, and put forward the model of theory of bamboo population development. 从分析竹类种群的生命周期出发;并以大熊猫主食竹种冷箭竹的种群动态研究为例;建立了竹类种群动态的理论模式.