- The car had its hazard warning lights on. 这辆汽车亮起了危险信号灯。
- Switch on hazard warning lights. 亮起危险警告灯。
- Inspection of hazard warning switches for automobiles 危险警报开关性能检查
- Drag onto the page to add a hazard warning sign. Right-click to choose from various hazard types. 拖到绘图页后,可以添加危险警告标志。右击可选择各种不同的危险类型。
- Leave room for emergency vehicles. Use your hazard warning lights. 应预留空位给紧急服务车辆驶入,并亮起危险警告灯。
- The Hazard warning line may replace the normal lane line near a hazard. 在接近危险的地方,可能有危险警告代替正常的行车界。
- A right turning lane with hazard warning areas to protect right turning Traffic. 转右的路面上髹上警告影区标记,保障右转车辆的安全。
- A single broken line, in the middle of the road, with long markings and short gaps, is a Hazard warning line. 危险警告,是道路中央的单行虚,条长而距短。
- Hazard warning sign. You can reconfigure the sign indicate various hazard types. 危险警告标志。您可以重新配置该标志,以表示各种危险类型。
- Warn other traffic by displaying a red triangle or switching on hazard warning lights or the lights or by any other means. 放置红色三角牌或打开危险警示灯或其他灯或别的什么方式提醒后来的车辆。
- Individual switches are provided for special purpose lights such as directional signals, hazard warning flashers, back up lights, and courtesy lights. 个别的开关被提供作为控制特别的灯,像是转向信号、危险警告闪烁装置、倒车灯和礼貌灯。
- A pair of tight-fitting eyeglasses, often tinted or having side shields, worn to protect the eyes from hazards such as dust, glare, or flying debris. 护目镜佩戴较紧的眼镜,通常有颜色和侧面防护,戴上以用来保护眼睛免受灰尘、强光或飞行物体的伤害
- The left and right turn signal indicator lamps give an indication when the turn signal circuits are activateThe lamps are hard-wired in the instrument cluster, and are completely controlled by the turn signal and hazard warning (multi-function) switches. 当转向信号电路起作用时,左右转向信号指示灯将发出指示。此灯在仪表组中是硬连线的,完全由转向信号和危险警示(多功能)开关控制。
- Low fuel pressure warning switch 燃料低压警告电门
- Oil filter bypass warning switch 滑油滤旁通警告电门
- He beckoned to me from across the street. 他在马路对面向我招手致意。
- Don't buy a used car from that rogue. 别从那无赖手里买旧车。
- He is sprung from noble ancestors. 他出身名门。