- The principle of FH communication is described. 简述了跳频通信的基本原理。
- Abstract: The principle of FH communication is described. 文章摘要: 简述了跳频通信的基本原理。
- During the every hop span of FH communication systems, these new methods of interference can only work on a part of it. 在跳频通信系统每跳驻留时间内,这些新的干扰方法仅能干扰其中一小部分。
- The simulation results show that the algorithm meets the requirements of FH communication systems. 仿真结果表明,该算法满足跳频通信系统的要求。
- It is importance for us to exert the battle efficiency and improve the battle effectiveness of FH communication systems. 对正确应用跳频通信系统和提高其战斗效能具有重要意义。
- The performance of synchronization shows that the synchronization of FH communication system makes synchronization time short, capture probability high, false probability low. 同步性能分析结果表明该跳频通信系统的同步时间短、捕获概率高、虚警概率低。
- Based on the requests of synchronization for a high-speed FH communication system, achieved synchronization by using a method combined synchronization-head with time of day (TOD). 针对高速跳频通信系统中同步的要求,采用同步头与时间信息相结合的方法实现跳频同步。
- The project fulfills two of very important funcitons in a FH Communication system-the generation of PN code and the synthesizing of hopping frequencies, and unites them together efficiently. 该方案完成了跳频通信系统中极为重要的两个功能:伪随机码的产生和跳变频率的合成,并将它们有机地结合在一起。
- New interference methods, such as sweeping frequency interference and faster-hop-collision interference, become a new focus of electronic countermeasures to FH communication systems. 摘要扫频式干扰、更高跳速碰撞干扰等新的干扰方法成为跳频通信系统电子对抗领域中又一重要研究方向。
- The dissertation analyses the principle of data transmission with FH communication to anti-multi-path in shallow water acoustic channels, and designs a method to implement data transmission in UWA. 分析了采用跳频通信技术实现水声数据传输的抗多途干扰原理,并提出了一种水声跳频通信系统的设计方案;
- Therefore,based on researching FH communication systems,the influence of part time-resident interference on FH communication s synchronization and its tracking has been mainly analyzed. 为此,在对跳频通信系统研究基础上,重点分析了部分驻留时间干扰对跳频通信系统同步及跟踪的影响。
- We deduce from theory that this method can reduce the time of acquisition, then the dissertation designs and implements a method of synchronization with correlated detection for UWA FH communication. 论文还设计并实现了一种采用相关检测方法的同步头方案实现水声跳频通信中的同步捕获;
- Synchronization is the key of FH communication, which can convey information and exert the advantage of FH communication only after the realization of high-speed, accurate synchronization. 跳频同步是跳频通信的技术关键,只有实现了快速精确的同步,才能正确提取传递信息,发挥出跳频通信的优点。
- underwater acoustic FH communication 水声跳频通信
- A Countermeasure Method of Follower Jamming in FH Communication 跳频通信抗跟踪干扰的一种方法
- A reflected signal on a communication channel. 一种在通信信道上反射回来的信号。
- Modeling and Simulating the Networks Framework for FH Communication Radios 跳频通信电台组网的建模与仿真
- I am in communication with him on this subject. 关于这问题,我正和他交换意见。
- Research on Synchronization Technique for a High-Speed FH Communication System 高速跳频通信系统同步技术研究
- The essence of language is communication. 语言的本质是沟通。