- FEAR can be fun. 恐惧也可以给人带来乐趣。
- Casinos, like Shakespearean plays, can be fun. 赌场就象莎翁的戏剧一样,可以娱人。
- Acting with an amateur theatrical group can be fun. 和业余戏剧团一起演出可能是有趣的。
- The fishing can be fun and fabulous. 钓鱼可以是一件很好玩又很开心的事。
- Spur-of-the-moment activities can be fun once in a while. 偶然做些即兴的活动也很有趣。
- It can be fun to look Back on what you did in school. 回忆学生生活是有趣的。
- Ever wonder how learning English can be fun, effortless and effective? 以轻松有趣的方式学习英语,便能引起他们的学习兴趣。
- Even the Skaven know of this monster, and the musky scent of fear can be smelled at a passing mention of the great Orc. 凡是这强大兽人声威所及之处,必定萦绕着挥之不去的恐惧。
- Extremes can be fun, but there's a sweet satisfaction to the middle way now. 极端的可以是有趣的,但是现在中庸之道正让大家十分满意。
- These data support the idea that fear can be activated very rapidly, requiring only minimal stimulus input. 这些资料支援了一种想法:只需要输入极小的刺激,恐惧可以极度迅速地被活化。
- But sometimes fear can be so extreme, so overwhelming, that it interferes with normal living. 但是有时它又是非常的具有压倒性的影响着我们的正常生活。
- Barbecues can be fun anywhere, but they're even better on the beach. 随处烧烤都会很有趣,但是在沙滩上烧烤更有趣。
- The ego's purpose is fear, because only the fearful can be egotistic. 3小我的目的就是恐惧,因为唯有心怀恐惧之人才会变得自我中心。
- Exactly. It's always nice to have time to prepare, but sometimes doing something on the spot can be fun. 有充份时间做准备那当然好呀。但是,我可想不出有什么事情马上要做而能让我感到有意思的。你给我举个例子好不好。
- Games like Sudoku can be fun while promoting strategic thinking, problem-solving and complex decision-making. 象数独九宫格这种游戏在提高战略思考,解决问题和复杂的决策的同时也是非常有趣的。
- Soloing can be fun but doing so in a PvP field can get you killed pretty quickly. 独奏可乐趣,但这样做的外汇交易同步交收外地可以让你很快死亡。
- Although pets can be fun additions to the family, they shouldn’t be allowed in the nursery or crib. 虽然宠物可以为家庭带来乐趣,但是不要让它们进入婴儿房或者靠近婴儿床。
- Maxwell contends that if permitted to run rampant , fear can generate inaction, weakness and more fear, which can be destructive. 麦斯威尔认为如果任由恐惧蔓延,它会造成怠惰、软弱与更多的恐惧,这些更具破环性。
- Fear can be contagious. 恐惧会感染他人。
- I think most of these obstacles can be surmounted. 我认为这些障碍大多数都是可以克服的。