- This picture is similar in content and expressive form to the Human, Dragon and Phoenix Painting. 这幅画与《人物龙凤图》不仅时代相同,内容也比较近似。
- It reflects the essence of the original works by the expressive form of art and conquers readers by the infectiveness of art. 它以艺术的表现形式反映原作精神;以艺术的感染力去征服读者。
- Ying is hired as the dance teacher of Tsun and his colleagues.Tsun, who has some knowledge in dancing, has soon resumed his interest in this expressive form of art. 盈决定接纳俊妈妈的邀请到小区舞蹈中心任教拉丁舞,为赴外国深造筹集学费。
- Euphemism is an expressive form with elegance for the sake of idealistic and practical effect and plays a significant and irreplaceable role in people's daily communication. 委婉语是人们为了在交往中能达到理想交际效果而创造出来的一种文雅的语言表达形式,在人际交往过程中发挥了不可替代的作用。
- What expression form does the person with lopsided psychology have? 心理不平衡的人有哪些表现形式?
- Both the sketch of concrete-image and the penmanship are of the general character which has the expressive form and the expressive means based on either modeling or linning. 具象素描与书法都具有以造型为基础和用线条作为表现形式与表现手段的共性。
- A method of multi-level image restoration based on fuzzy entropy is presented. The method can extend the entropy's express form in terms of entropy's limitations on application. 提出了一种基于模糊熵的多值图像恢复方法,该方法根据在应用方面的局限性对其表示的形式进行了扩展。
- For forward singularity, the Jacobins matrix is obtained based on velocity projection, a new notion of spatial instantaneous axis is introduced, and the expressive form of the parallel mechanism singularity is given when it is generated. 对于正奇异,推导出一种基于速度投影的雅可比矩阵求解方法,提出了空间瞬时轴这一新的概念,并给出奇异产生时并联机构正奇异的表现形式。
- Although the knowledge self-contradict and various aspect is another kind of expressive form, this understanding and dialectical method in concerning main antinomy of the understanding match to clap. 这个认识和辨证法中关于主要矛盾的认识是合拍的,知识矛盾诸方面的另外一种表达形式而已。
- The only influence is the great deal of freedom in expressive forms and methods. 唯一的影响就是表现的形式和手法极大的自由。
- Aussie English, as the expressing form of Aussie culture, mirrors the content characteristic of Australian culture. 澳洲英语作为澳洲文化的表现形式反映出澳洲文化特有的内容。
- Thus different modes of thinking lead to diverse language expressive forms and discourses. 导致语篇与措词差异的原因可在英汉思维差异中找到答案。
- Impressionism,as an important artistic approach,has its unique expressive forms in Chekhov's novels. 印象主义作为一个重要的艺术表现手法,在契诃夫的小说创作中具有独特的表现方式。
- All the referring expressions form one continuous scale of Accessibility markings. 指称词语的可及性系统是一个按照“可及性”程度排列的连续统一体。
- Blankness is an aesthetic symbol, an art expression form unique in Chinese painting. 摘要空白是一种审美符号,是中国绘画独有的艺术表现形式。
- As one of the expressive forms of art, painting can only develop and flourish when it is deeply rooted in the soil which nurtures and nourishes it. 油画作为一种艺术表现形式,它必须植根于孕育它的土壤才能生根发芽、枝繁叶茂。
- The paint is sold in powdered form. 该油漆以粉制品形式出售。
- Pony Express formed to carry mail to the Wild West. The Pony Express lasted a year before the telegraph took over. 驿马快信制度成立,提供将邮件快递到荒芜的西部的业务。这种制度维持了一年,被电报所取代。
- Most synthetic detergents are in the form of powder or liquid. 大多数合成洗涤剂呈粉状或液态。
- This article tells the detailed practice methods of the three expressive forms, which hopes to improve policemen's expressive ability of spoken language. 文章较为详细地介绍了以上三种主要口语表达方式的练习方法,旨在提高公安民警的口语表达能力。