- Experimental comparison study 对比试验研究
- The Experimental Comparison Studies of Putting out a Fire between Composite Colloid and Water 模拟火灾环境的复合胶体和水灭火对比实验研究
- The experimental comparison is conducted to study the situation of students performing the completely skillful action of fosbury flop high jump. 采用实验对比法,对学生掌握背越式跳高完整技术动作的情况进行了探讨。
- Comparison Study between Biological Vision and Computer Vision. 生物视觉与计算机视觉的比较。
- The Comparison Study of ELISA and RPR in Screening Syphilis. ELISA法与RPR法筛选梅毒的对比研究
- The comparison study of reinforcing effect in rubber between Jiangsu rawwhite talc and white talc by chemical proceeding has been carried out in our experiment. 采用江苏白滑粉为原料通过实验研究,比较了白滑粉与经过处理的活性白滑粉在橡胶中的补强效果。
- We make a comparison study between the numerical results of partially coherent theory and experimental results. We make it clear that on what kinds of condition should a mechanism be employed to explain the charge transfer process in DNA. 通过与相关实验结果的对比研究,我们澄清了电荷转移各基本机理的适用条件,从而进一步证实部分相干理论能够给出一些电荷在DNA中转移过程的合理图像。
- Experimental comparison between this method and the traditional pixel-background models is made with a group of videos. 通过一组视频将该方法与传统的像素形式的背景模型进行了实验对比;
- By experimental comparison, this paper expounds the metho ds of developing sport and intellectual potential of school-age children. 采用实验对比等研究方法,探讨开发小学学龄儿童运动和智力潜能的方法。
- Experimental comparison and theoretical analysis of determination of moisture in sodium mehtanol solution and methanol solutions. 对甲醇钠-甲醇溶液水分测定几种方法进行了试验对比与理论分析。
- Comparison Study on Several Quality Characters of Wild and Cultivated Astragalus adsurgens Pall. 野生与栽培型沙打旺品质性状比较。
- So I use that in natural rubber.Through experimental comparison, I find it has good vulcanizing and scorching properties, good anti-reversion property. 鉴于此,笔者将其应用在天然橡胶中,经过实验对比,发现它与其它常规促进剂相比,有着比较好的硫化焦烧特性,很好的抗硫化返原性;
- A comparison study between clinical features of depression with and without anxiety symptoms. 抑郁发作中有无焦虑症状的临床对照分析。
- The theoretical and experimental comparison of three effective medium resistivity models in laminated and dispersed shaly sands is addressed in detail. 针对用于复杂泥质砂岩油气层解释的3种混合泥质砂岩有效介质电阻率模型,从理论和实验角度,进行了全面系统的比较。
- A comparison study on the exploration potential between Bohai Bay basin and Subei basin. 渤海湾盆地与苏北盆地勘探潜力对比研究
- This paper conducts a comprehensive comparison study on controller, interfaces, linkage, etc. 摘要本文对存储系统的控制器、接口、链路等做了比较研究。
- A comparison study for tylosin production when utilizing starch and vegetable oil as carbon source was carried out. 对以淀粉和植物油为碳源条件下泰乐菌素生产能力进行了比较研究。
- Experimental comparison on static behavior of a tubular N-joint (JD-A) and a concrete filled tubular N-joint (JD-B) under the axial compression of brace and chord is carried out. 摘要对承受支管轴力和主管轴力的N型圆钢管相贯节点(JD-A)、主管填充混凝土节点(JD-B)试件进行了极限承载力对比试验。
- The superior performance of CFRP structure is validated by a comparison study of test results and simulation results. 通过对比模拟计算结果和试验结果,验证了复合材料结构方案的性能优越性。
- Comparison Study of Optical Properties of Native and Coagulated Human Liver Tissue at KTP/YAG Laser in vitro[J]. 引用该论文 魏华江;许静芬;何博华;李晓原;巫国勇;张薇.