- Excision of lesion of vein of head and neck 头和颈部静脉病损切除术
- Excision of lesion of vein of lower limb 下肢静脉病损切除术
- Excision of lesion of vein of upper limb 上肢静脉病损切除术
- Excision of lesion of vein 静脉病损切除术
- Excision of lesion of abdominal vein 腹静脉病损切除术
- Excision of lesion of intracranial vein 颅内静脉病损切除术
- Excision of lesion of lower limb vein 下肢静脉病损切除术
- Excision of lesion of thoracic vein 胸静脉病损切除术
- local excision of lesion of stomach 胃病损局部切除术
- local excision of lesion of palate 腭病损局部切除术
- local excision of lesion of pancreas 胰腺病损局部切除术
- Excision of lesion of skin of groin region 腹股沟区域皮肤病损切除术
- Endoscopic excision of lesion of anus 肛门病损内镜切除术
- Endoscopic excision of lesion of duodenum 内镜下十二指肠病损切除术
- Endoscopic excision of lesion of esophagus 食管内镜检查下病损切除术
- Endoscopic excision of lesion of large intestine 内镜下大肠病损切除术
- Endoscopic excision of lesion of pancreatic duct 胰管病损内镜切除术
- Endoscopic excision of lesion of sphincter of Oddi Oddi括约肌病损内镜切除术
- Endoscopic excision of lesion of stomach 胃病损内镜切除术
- local excision of lesion of penis 阴茎病损局部切除术