- This paper introduces the evolution of the foreign exchange rate regimes after the Bretton Woods System. 本文简要考察了布雷顿森林体系崩溃后 ,汇率制度在时间上的演进。
- This paper introduces the evolution of the theories on selection of foreign exchange rate regimes after the Bretton Woods System. 本文简要考察了布雷顿森林体系崩溃后,汇率制度安排及其选择理论在时间上的演进。
- Kenneth S.Rogoff Aasim M.Husain,Ashoka Mody,Robin Brooks,Nienke Oomes.Evolution and Performance of Exchange Rate Regimes[C]. 张志超.;人民币汇率政策的制度迁跃:历史的视角
- How to Exit from the Pegged Exchange Rate Regime? 如何从钉住汇率制度中退出?
- One is the exchange rate regime. 汇率制度是其一。
- Rngoff,Kenneth,Assim M.Husain,Ashoka Mody,Robin J.Brooks,and Nienke Onmes.Evolution and performance of exchange rate regimes[EB/OL].IMF Working Paper 03/243,2003. 如20世纪60年代以弗里德曼、米德等为代表的支持浮动汇率的一方与罗宾斯、金德伯格、蒙代尔等为代表的支持固定汇率的另一方的争论就是围绕固定汇率还是浮动汇率优劣性展开的.
- Another, at least theoretical possibility is the emergence of regional exchange rate regimes, along the lines of what happened in Europe after Bretton Woods I. 第二种情况(至少在理论上有可能)是,与布雷顿森林体系I解体后欧洲的路线相同,出现区域性汇率制度。
- Whatever the scenario, the GCC countries' official reserves will continue to grow sharply over the next few years, especially if they maintain their current exchange rate regimes. 无论是上述哪一种情况,未来几年中,海合会成员国的官方储备都将继续大幅增长。如果它们维持当前的汇率制度,情况就更是如此。
- East Asia Financial crisis demonstrates that exchange rate regimes, capital flows and financial crises are closely interacted, under free capital flow, Pegged or fixed regimes are prone to crises. 东亚金融危机的事实表明,金融危机、资本流动和汇率制度之间存在着密切关系。
- The dollar will also remain exposed for much of 2008 to nervousness among investors about the US current-account deficit and about shifts in central bank and SWF holdings and in exchange rate regimes. 2008年,美元依然会深陷在投资者的惴惴不安当中,他们担心美国经常账户赤字,但是各国央行和主权财富基金的转移以及担心汇率体制的变化。
- There has in the last decade been a hollowing out of the middle of the distribution of exchange rate regimes , with the share of both hard pegs and floating gaining at the expense of soft pegs. 过去十年来,(世界各国)中间汇率政策一直在萎缩,其结果是放弃软汇率钉住,而固定汇率和浮动汇率势力大涨。
- The fixed exchange rate regimes can achieve the goal of internal equilibrium, and the economic performance is significant but failing to effectively achieve the goal of external equilibrium. 固定汇率制度能促进内部均衡目标的实现,国内经济绩效显著,却不能有效促进外部均衡目标的实现。
- How to Tackle FX Risk of RMB Exchange Rate Regime Reform for Commercial Banks? 商业银行如何应对人民币汇率改革进程中的汇率风险?
- Key Words: exchange rate regime, the choice of exchange rate regime, intermediate hollowing-out hypothesis, coexistence and mutual transition among various exchange rate regimes. 作者简介:沈国兵(1972-),男,浙江大学经济学博士,上海财经大学金融学院教师;研究方向为国际金融、汇率制度理论。
- Hong Kong's linked exchange rate regime is the anchor of our monetary and financial stability. 联系汇率制度是保持香港金融和财政稳定的要素。
- exchange rate regimes in East-Asia 东亚汇率制度
- We are proud of our linked exchange rate regime,which remains unshakable despite turbulences in the region. 我们对本港的联系汇率制度感到自豪,尽管区内的金融市场出现动荡,这个制度却稳如磐石,丝毫不受影响。
- But clearly no exchange rate regime can be perfect and there is no one regime that suits all. 当然,没有一种汇率制度是完美的,也没有一种汇率制度会适合所有经济体系。
- We are proud of our linked exchange rate regime, which remains unshakable despite turbulences in the region. 我们对本港的联系汇率制度感到自豪,尽管区内的金融市场出现动荡,这个制度却稳如磐石,丝毫不受影响。
- Mark M.Spiegel,A look at China's new exchange rate regime,FBBSF Economic Letter,September 9,2005. 结论来自于"篮子货币是以对外贸易权重为主的"论断(中国人民银行;2005).